4 Ways To Achieve Greater Results In Your Practice WithOUT Working So Hard

Success in Dentistry is NOT difficult.  On average, my Doctors generate more profit per year than most of the industry does in nearly a decade.  Not to mention the fact that my Doctors usually work 1/4 to 1/3 less time than most.

I don’t say that to try to impress you.  No, I’m here to tell you that most make success in dentistry WAY TOO DIFFICULT.  It doesn’t have to be.

Never forget that the hardest part of dentistry is what you do for your patients, the work in their mouths.  Nothing else.  The business can be made ‘simple’ if you will get out of your own way, remove self-sabotage, insert more confidence, think bigger and then do what’s necessary to win for yourself, your team and your patients.

When these three things align, the obstacles in your way collapse and your journey to success gets significantly easier.  But first you must decide if you want EXCUSES OR RESULTS – you can’t have both.

This is why last week I reiterated to you the necessity of your clarity and conviction to your goals and objectives.  If you don’t have these well-defined, how on earth can you make any other decisions about anything in your practice.

By the way, in case you missed it, I just released my most hard hitting, comprehensive, behind the scenes look at what it takes to be successful in Dentistry.  Inside of this VIDEO TRAINING SERIES, you will receive THE 3 POWER PRINCIPLES to breaking through to your next level of success.

In this 4-part intensive, I cover it all.  And rest assured, it’s not some bait and switch sales pitch ending with an ask for your credit card.  It’s all content with a real look behind the scenes on how I help my doctors create real (often at first unimaginable) results in their lives and practices.

If you want to cut straight through all the noise and clutter to understand what it takes to be more successful, profitable and smarter in the business of dentistry (without having to work so hard or do so much).

Let’s break it down together so I can prove my point.

Of course, I’m assuming since you are here, you are already an incredibly competent Doctor.  You know what you want to do and you know how to do it.  You have a clinical identity and a philosophy of care.  Now, if you are missing that, still in search of it or it is evolving – all of that is fine, as long as you get it figured out.  No one can rally around you and help you achieve your vision for patients unless you first know what that is.  Everything in your Patient Experience, Communication, Flow and Approach should support this objective.

I’ve yet to meet a doctor that admitted to doing just ‘okay’ dentistry and yet you see ‘okay’ dentistry in the mouths of patients coming into your office every single day.  Those doctors aren’t here.  They wouldn’t be ambitious enough to study or read or go to work on themselves anyways.

Now that we’ve established that, here are the pillars of your dental success…

  • Motivate the Team
  • Educate the Patient
  • Diagnosis the Dentistry
  • Cultivate Case Acceptance

… all backed by a profitable formula for getting the dentistry done.  Which is the orchestration of your schedule so that you are maximizing minutes – yours and everyone else’s in the practice.  Before you can do that though, you have to have those four important pillars in place.

I didn’t say anything about marketing or about a new procedure or updating your technology or any other bells and whistles.  You can and you may need those things but at the core – before you even think about more patients – it really boils down to this.

Without these four pillars you have no business.  The key is to systemize and execute specific plans and strategies for each of the pillars.

Today, we’ll stay big picture and then we’ll walk through them over the next several weeks.  I’ll share some specific examples on how to do each of them better and more deliberately.

Don’t forget if you missed Video 1 last week you better go catch up on it because this is what gets you ready for the 4 Pillars.  Also, I’ll tell you more about it in just a minute, the Video just released (#3) is all about making Case Acceptance very easy.  With the tips I unveil in this video, you will see instantly how to move the needle on getting more yeses and patients pre-paying for dentistry.  You can catch it here…

Get Instant Access To the Video Training Series >>>

Motivate the Team:

Some Doctors love this and some just hate it.  That’s okay.  It doesn’t have to be rah-rah or some motivational speaker style leadership.  It really just boils down to your team wanting to win for you and for your patients.  This is about culture.  And the culture in any practice is obvious from the moment you walk into it.

What do you believe about your culture and your team’s motivation to WIN?  That’s the primary reason I write so much because there is no other person in your life looking out for you as much (and as in as significant ways) as I am.  I know motivation is key for anything else to happen.

Educate the Patient:

Way too much heavy lifting is done by trying to convince patients they ‘need’ something instead of educating them about the benefits or consequences so that they themselves will develop the desire to want to move forward with treatment without having to be coerced.

Now this is all about process and communication.  It can be easy; it just requires discipline to stick to the plan and being attentive to each individual.

Diagnosis the Dentistry:

Ah yes, one of my favorites.  Such a simple concept and yet so many Doctors get in their own way by totally sabotaging their success and that of their patients.

You can’t do what you don’t diagnosis, nor can a patient say yes to it.  If you want to grow your practice grow your diagnosis.  I know I’m like a broken record on this.  If you really study and carefully follow everything I say, you will find your ability to become a better diagnostician AND communicator with your patients is what leads to you having more influence to help your patients.  I’m not suggesting you make problems up; I’m simply asking you to be completely honest with what you see.

Cultivate Case Acceptance:

I believe this is enough for today, but I won’t leave you hanging… everything about Case Acceptance is about perception of value and we have been talking about it for the last several weeks.  How to get your patients to value you, dentistry, and most of all the results of what you are suggesting.

If you are doing everything else right, case acceptance is the last thing that happens and it’s the easiest thing that happens.

How are you doing on these four pillars?  Where can you improve?  What’s missing or out of alignment with the practice vision you have and the results you want to get?

We’ll pick up here next week.  Your head ought to be spinning and your heart filled with inspiring ideas on how to make your practice success happen with less effort while achieving greater results for everyone involved.

It doesn’t have to be so hard.  Here’s the trick: stop making it that way.

And that is exactly what my brand new 4-part Practice Success Video Series is all about.  Consider this, you can improve your practice and get the results you deserve in bigger more rewarding ways than you have in the last decade or two or three… all because of the principles I have laid out here in my powerful video training.  If that doesn’t inspire and motivate you to dive in, watch, study and apply what I’m sharing, nothing will.

Start Watching Now to Dramatically Increase Your Practice Profits >>>

I just released the 3rd Video.  And if you want access to the 4th Video then you better get caught up fast or you’re going to miss out.  In that final video coming up, I put it all together and button up a beautiful action plan specifically for you.  Get ready.