Are You In The Way Of Your Own Vision?

You know those people who are always looking for the reasons why something won’t work instead of figuring out how to make it work.  Always blaming circumstances or people instead of taking responsibility for change and outcome.

This goes directly with my principle that your practice is making right now what it is designed to make. The structure of your people, systems and approach get you the results you have.  Like any formula, the components of it come together to provide the outcome.

If you want to change the outcome, you have to change a part of the formula.

Here’s where most doctors go wrong: they start randomly adding or removing elements without reason or purpose.

Start doing this, stop doing that, hire this person, fire this person, expand hours or ops or reduce, take insurance, drop insurance, add procedures or equipment with no real plan or system for doing it, marketing for patients of any kind versus attracting specific kinds… the list goes on.

I could walk you through every single aspect of your practice and show you exactly where every decision can either be deliberate or accidental, planned out or haphazard.

This is the ‘hodgepodge’ method of practicing the business of dentistry.  This will never lead to sustainable success and profitability.

You will find yourself working harder and harder for less and less.  If not less money definitely less enjoyment.  Until you hone in and focus on exactly what you want and what your vision is for your future, you will continue to run in circles.

Doctors are known for making decisions about the past instead of choices for the future.  What is relevant now?  What do you want now?  What are your goals now?

Successful tomorrows are a result of clarity of vision and purpose today.

I jolted a lot of doctors’ minds with my Lifestyle Practice Manifesto because rarely do people own their circumstances and take responsibility for their current results not to mention their future potential.

There is a famous saying by Babe Ruth about not letting the fear of striking out keep you from swinging. You must move forward regardless of your fear of failure.

You must have enough reasons to want to win – enough drive to want to thrive – enough discipline and determination to sustain the initiative required to reach a higher level of success, money, dentistry, time, joy, health, or any achievement you desire.

One of my superstar and very incredibly smart doctors wrote to me after watching my Lifestyle Practice Manifesto.  He said he finally realized that until he really saw the practice he wanted (clarity of vision) he would never achieve it.

He will achieve it because he is committed to what he wants but until his specific vision becomes clear it will be elusive.  He and you must give yourself permission to be at peace and free from guilt for WANTING MORE THAN YOU HAVE NOW – at the very least wanting something to be DIFFERENT.

This is the natural evolution of your life.  You are supposed to grow in all ways as you move forward on your journey.

If you don’t stop and ask yourself what it is you REALLY WANT RIGHT NOW, then you will keep settling for less and living beneath your potential.  Then you will find all kinds of reasons (i.e. excuses) to justify why you’re okay with it or worse yet blame others for it.  I’m here to tell you right now…

YOU ARE BETTER THAN ANY OF THAT – if you choose to be.

Now, where this gets even deeper is when you apply this to your team and to your patients.  Every single point of this week’s Report (and most others), I could completely write changing only minor context and made it about your team and your patients.

Smart Doctors collaborate with us to do this all exactly for your team and my clients absolutely do this for their patients.  They don’t let them settle, they challenge them to take responsibility, they facilitate them defining their vision for their health, mouth, smile, etc.

And that’s why they win. Because it’s about more than dentistry, it’s never about money or insurance, it’s always about helping them want more for themselves and teaching them how to make a great decision that is in their best interests.

Obviously that is exactly what I do for you.  Well, for the able and the willing.

Here’s the thing…

You won’t know it until you are ready and you will do everything to get in your way and hold yourself back until you finally decide that you deserve for tomorrow to be better than today.  You deserve better than just getting by, making money, having a job with income and being your own boss; you deserve to be a proud and successful dental practice business owner that delivers you more than just a paycheck.

Your Vision always has the possibility to become Your Reality.  You just have to check that you haven’t allowed your current reality to become your vision, by default.

This is the last chance for me to be your guide on your journey to discovering what you really want and how to make it possible with my Lifestyle Practice Manifesto training – watch it on-demand, right now…

I’ll be back next week as we shift gears into some powerful dental business lessons and principles you’ve never been taught before.