Giving The Gift Of Deserve To Your Patients

There is nothing that is more important and significant to your work, engagement and relationship with your patients than your ability to help them believe and realize just how much they are deserving of what you can do.

All too often people relate every decision with the investment that is required to make the benefits of that decision possible.  Everyone bases everything in their lives on MONEY.

It doesn’t have to be this way.

The entire nature of this argument is that “money” is worth more than themselves and what they truly value.

You have the power – yes YOU – to influence, inspire, convince, motivate and encourage any given patient to accept not only in the value of dentistry but more importantly in the value of themselves.

It’s not just the VALUE of the Dentistry or whatever “health” you sell…

It is about the VALUE of the person who happens to be your patient.

That person deserves a beautiful smile.

That person deserves to be healthy.

That person deserves to keep their teeth.

That person deserves peace of mind.

That person deserves to be pain free.

That person deserves optimal care.

That person deserves the possibilities that you can provide.

I can go on and on and on; and you should be able to as well.

Dentistry is not just about fixing problems, it’s about the possibilities that patients DESERVE to have for themselves in this moment and for their long term well-being, overall health, function and beauty of their mouths, teeth and smiles.

You hold so much power because you hold so many possibilities.

Sometimes it is as easy as actually just telling them this.  But the real magic happens when you weave it in and out of your patient experience by talking about the benefits and outcomes your patients will receive (not waiting until someone objects or wants to delay or deny themselves moving forward).

When you tie this together with my previous messages about the gifts you give to your patients, you will see that this one is really the key to helping patients believe in the possibilities and then want to do something about it.

How can you do this better?

Today just so happens to be my birthday.  Nothing I get worked up about or even pause, take the day off or do anything extra special. In fact, I’m working, just as any other day in my life because how I’m able to help others in a day’s work is the greatest gift I can give myself.  You do that every single day with your patients.

So, my message to you today is: it’s fine to think about your patients every single day and it is important to give them permission to want and deserve the very best for themselves and this is the best gift you can give them.  But, also don’t forget, nothing is more powerful than you giving yourself permission to pursue what you really want.

What can you be doing more, better, differently to help your patients want and deserve more – and the same goes for you.

After you figure this out and ACT UPON IT, you can be assured that it will be easier to help your patients move forward like never before.

You too deserve it all. Your consistent, congruent, clarity of purpose both in and out of the practice is the most vital lesson I could possibly share with you.

With your position of guidance over your patients and the meaningful influence that you do have, you can never forget that people only invest in, decide on, do anything about something that they first feel they are worthy of.

Throughout your entire patient experience (whether new or old), you must always bring into light the fact that they deserve to be healthy and you must embolden your patients to be okay with putting themselves first.

We’ll pick up right here next week.