How Focused Are You On The Creation Of Opportunity?

Did you challenge yourself last week?  I sure challenged you.  It’s whether or not you chose to accept it that will determine the impact on your bottom-line.

If you took the profit multiplier strategies that I gave you last week and you turned them into the attack plan that you should have, then you would already have seen results; not seen, rather counted up the results.

I say this at least once every single day to someone in our DST Universe… imagine if you took one single question, one single idea, one single change, or one single adjustment and then you multiplied it across every patient visit that you have – you would have unbelievable improvement to everything else.

This is and was what I meant by a rising tide that lifts up everything else in numerical form.  Last week we did it with actual numbers.  When you manipulate numbers with deliberate engineering and thoughtful decisions then you cannot only predict, you can actually create the results that you want.

Here’s the good news: this isn’t “rocket science.”  In fact, it is very simple and purely math.

Then we add to that the psychology of the people and creating a real genuine authentic relationship with them.  As a matter of fact, I’m going to take the next several weeks to talk specifically about that.  

I laid out the premise and principles to follow for the whole “your profit is in your people” over the past couple weeks.  Now, we’re going to do a deep dive into the ways to grow, nurture, evolve, and (a very intentional word) develop the people side of your business.

Before we go there, I want to emphasize something from last week’s Report and why more doctors don’t understand, aren’t aware of, or actually achieve their financial potential in dentistry.

The reason is this… far too many people, doctors, teams, practices as businesses are just not focused on the creation of opportunity.  They are doing the best they can with what they’ve got – in their opinions – and even when they do attempt to be creation minded, they don’t do enough.

You won’t ever hit a daily goal that you didn’t first diagnose and you can’t collect more in a month than what you presented.  So, your goals are in your hands (technically in your mind), not just in the mouths of your patients.

Here’s the big difference in practices that are consistently high performers: they are built to be creator, they are literally on offense every day with everything they do, and they are looking for ways to help their patients with every conversation.  This is a result of having a culture, an environment, and a business (which means not just a mindset but real tangible processes) that brings this to life.  

Here’s the most unstated secret to success in all of dentistry…

They are not bashful about it.  They don’t apologize for it.  They don’t hide it.  They don’t do it like a mystery or stealth or secretively trying to convince the patient without them knowing type of thing.

Instead, they are proud of it.  They live out their clinical philosophy and standard of care with the expectation of achieving complete health for all of their patients.

By the way, I’ll give you some specific thoughts, activities, questions, and team discussion around this in the upcoming Monday Morning Huddle.

Of course, we can improve efficiency, scheduling, and absolutely your results will only be as good as your case acceptance on your diagnosis but done properly these are one in the same (I just gave you the ultimate key to great case acceptance in the above paragraphs).

When you walk in your practice, when your team engages patients, when you listen to what is said, when you hear how things are talked about, and when you witness patients in your experience – do you feel the energy, do you see the creation happening?

For a moment, just think about a typical day.  The hustle and bustle, the busyness, patient to patient, room turnaround.  Amongst it all, other than your Morning Huddle, when are there poignant conversations around the creation of opportunities?

What if everything in your practice had a “creation” mentality.  A focus of discovery, of relationship, of service, of education, of help, of health for your patients.

Too often we adopt negativity as the default and fallback on accepted excuses.  Such as, “I was too busy” or “I was running behind” or “I forgot this time.”  In reality, it just means that either you were too slow, not focused, didn’t make time, or had priorities out of order.

The truth is there is always enough time for that which is most important.  It just depends if you have a culture that embraces the most important or the most convenient.

In your practice, is everyone clear about and focused on what is most important?  Have there been specific conversations to identify what is most important? 

The activity that would serve you best at this point is to consider the integrity of your practice and your team.

What will you, as a team, no longer allow or tolerate any longer.  There will always be some element of human error but mistakes can be minimized with more awareness.

Example: we don’t ever compromise the integrity of a New Patient Experience by rushed or misplaced scheduling.

Example: We don’t ever let an insurance claim go stale or a denial go unanswered or a treatment plan go waiting.

Example: We don’t allow patients to walk out the door without another confirmed and committed next appointment (whether physically or virtual) for treatment or otherwise.

If it is easier, you can flip it around and say what you are always going to do…

Example: We are always going to explain to patients everything going on and give them the opportunity to make a smart decision about total treatment and complete health.

Part of having a culture of creation is making it your modus operandi and stop getting in your own way by making excuses that go against your goals and philosophy of care.

And then you can take every position as well as your production income streams and make sure everyone is on the same page for what success looks like and how creation comes to life and is actually executed.

Next week, we will begin a discussion about the development of people.  I will set it up by connecting the dots from this Weekly Report on how creation first begins to your clinical checklist or treatment planning protocol and transform it into the culture of the practice.

If you break this down and study the three very distinct components I’ve talked about here in this Weekly Report, you will find your ability to breakthrough any limitations and plateaus.  You will discover that you have far greater potential inside of your practice than you ever thought.  

It all begins and ends with creation and having a practice built to make the impossible possible.