Now it’s your turn…

Society has a way of categorizing everything and everyone.  Everywhere you look there are labels, stereotypes, and pre-judgements.  In reality, it’s simply a small group of people telling everyone else what they should or shouldn’t do; who they should or shouldn’t be; or what they should or shouldn’t think.  It’s easier for them if everything fits into neat little boxes.

This is true especially now.  Others want to dictate your beliefs, your actions, your priorities, your value.  Virus or not, these are your choices to make and no one else’s.  

We talk a lot about this right here every single week in some form.  We talk about you specifically, but even when we are talking about your patients, we are still talking about you.

There are a few important guiding principles I reflect on before writing each week.  Whether blatant or subtle, I try to impress upon the role you pay in patients’ lives, the value you bring to the health of your community, and the necessity of the dentistry you provide.

Because I know what you believe, how you act, and the value you place on yourself has a direct impact on the difference you can make for patients.  If you don’t hold in the highest regard the health benefits you can deliver, neither will your patients.

All of these personal opinions add up to establish your self worth.  How you feel about yourself dictates how you approach your own god given rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

These are fundamental and substantial “rights” that we all have, but they come with incredible responsibility.  Everyone has them but, very much like time, it’s what you do with it that matters.  The same goes for your own personal self worth and value.

During this time, why do you suppose people are more apt to become addicted or develop bad habits or drink too much or be hurtful to people they love or even themselves?

They lose their meaning, their purpose, their value.

They’re told to stay home, told what they do isn’t important enough to continue, told their beliefs aren’t valid, and told their concerns can wait.  How can that not have some effect on their own value.

But here’s the thing about “value” – it is, as the saying goes, in the eye of the beholder.  You control your own value.  You control your own self worth.

Just like you control your own time, your own life, your own liberty, and your own pursuit of happiness.

Now, you are about to gain back control of a whole lot more.

Over the next few weeks, everyone will get back to seeing patients and this idea of “value” will take on an entirely new meaning – a bigger meaning.  The most important opportunity we have ever had in all of dentistry will exist and be placed into the palms of your hands as you move forward with your patients.

You see, at the onset of this, most of what you do were deemed “non-essential.”

Labeled, categorized, minimized

…by others who have no idea what you do or how you do (and obviously don’t understand the significance or importance of dentistry).

But now we get to show them.  You get to show them.  

You have a chance to prove the value of what you do, of what you stand for, of the care provide, of the expertise you carry, and of the impact you make for your patients.

You have the right to BE ANYTHING YOU WANT.

I’m hoping forever more you will choose to BE ESSENTIAL.

I know you are – now it’s your turn to prove it to the naysayers.  Finally, you can get back to the fun part of doing dentistry, helping patients, and making a difference.

I’m proud of you for making it through all of this.  Now, let’s go forward and do something epic that puts your value on full display!

Be Essential.  Because you are!