[Part 2] The Entrepreneurial Dentist: The Psychology of Selling

If there is one common theme that you will often hear from Doctors it is their reluctance to, avoidance of, fear from or arrogant beliefs about “selling.”  Even the ones that embrace the reality (this it is necessary) are bashful and do not feel capable of doing it effectively.

In order to become an Entrepreneurial Dentist, one who is in control over your own destiny as the puppet master of your life (not the puppet at the mercy of all the tugs and pulls, twists and turns), you must own your responsibility to sell.

Sell the benefits of Dentistry.

Sell the value to the Patient.

Sell your team on execution.

Sell yourself on ideas and possibilities.

And yes, sell the fact that it’s better you do the dentistry than anyone else.

Before we go further, understand that “selling” leaves a bad taste in most people’s mouths because of the perception it carries.  Not having the proper comprehension will only derail your success.

There are a few ways this sabotage occurs and keeps you from realizing your entrepreneurial potential in your practice as a business.

First, some believe that selling is coercion or manipulation.  That you are forcing someone to do something they don’t want to do – you take their money and they now feel negatively about you, the experience and wish to have their money back.

Second, people believe that you shouldn’t have to sell yourself because you are a doctor or that the patient should just want it because you said so.

There are so many things that get inside doctors’ minds that actually hinder their ability to grow and prosper from their dentistry.  It all stems back to two things…

Your failure to see the value in what you are doing and be willing to command a premium fee for your time and expertise.


Your decision not to (or inability to) create a practice that is driven by a culture of sales.

I’m going to make it easier for you just this once… Instead of “selling” just for a second think of educating, influencing, or motivating a person to do something that is in their own best interest.

That is selling.

Imagine convincing your kids to do something you know is good for them, perhaps eat healthier or study harder.  Have you ever had a persuasive conversation with your spouse?  It could where to go on vacation or to take more time off.

You are selling.

Here is a big difference with Entrepreneurial Dentists that drives their underlying success… Pride.

They are proud of what they do.  And they would rather do the dentistry on their patients than take a chance that the patient would go somewhere else and get less quality work.

If you really feel this way then you owe it to yourself and your patients to sell them on not only what they should do but on WHO should do it.

This doesn’t have to come across as confrontational, though sometimes it might need to.  It doesn’t have to come across as arrogant or egotistical, though sometimes people may perceive it as such.  This doesn’t even have to come across as selling, though you will be accused of that dirty word often.

Selling is simply taking control over the outcomes that you get and ensuring your patients say yes.  As I tell you over and over and over again, you only help the ones who say yes.  So, if you want to help people, you better be selling them on not just what but who, not just how but why, not just where but when.

Every aspect of this matters.  Successful Entrepreneurial Dentists do not leave anything up to chance with the steps in their processes or in the minds of their patients.

They have built a sales environment that empowers – read that word again – EMPOWERS their patients to feel good about their decisions to move forward.

Remember, this is all about the value.  When you put the focus on the value and the benefits your patients receive from whatever it is that you are suggesting, they don’t have any resentment over money or being “sold.”  They only have one word: GRATITUDE.  If your experience is done right, that is what would happen.

The most ironic part about this whole selling thing is that the ones who don’t buy are the ones who complain and also receive no benefit.

Here’s my best advice for becoming an Entrepreneurial Dentist… remember that you are there for the patients who say yes; the “no’s” get no vote.

Your responsibility is to do everything you possibly can to help your patients get healthy and set them up for success.  Being bashful about “selling” is an absolute certain way to leave a lot of patients behind.

Here’s the best news of the day: this whole process doesn’t have to come across as selling.  Executed properly, it’s a beautiful experience ending in all parties being thrilled with the outcomes.

And that’s where we pick up next week when we move on to Part 3 of how to become an Entrepreneurial Dentist.

I will leave you with this final thought.  The real problem with selling is about YOUR thinking and YOUR mindset about it – not anyone else’s.  Don’t project your shortcomings onto others.

The Entrepreneurial Dentists work every day to build up their own confidence and deserve level around this.  They are not afraid to stand proud and promote all the good that they can do for others.

You too can share your vision for your patients by always focusing on how you can help and SELLING them on the amazing life-changing benefits they will receive because of it.