Positive Expectancy and Creating The Outcomes You Want

Last week, we talked about the Power of Appreciation and now we are heading into the week of Thanksgiving.  It’s fitting though, that it was last week, because my entire point is to emphasize the importance of living a life of gratitude daily, not on one holiday a year.

Of course, it’s especially top of mind during Thanksgiving but the concept to embrace is to have a culture of appreciation and be thankful for your opportunities and the people around you that make them possible – that includes You by the way.  

Today, I want to throw out another powerful principle that can make all the difference in your life and practice.  We’ll put an emphasis on your life because if your life is in order it’s a lot easier to have your practice in order.  Don’t be surprised if your practice is a direct reflection of your life.

I said it last week, “You get more of what you focus on!”

To put that into action though – and do it in a proactive way – I call it positive expectancy.  That is to begin with the end in mind and ‘expect’ an outcome.  Notice I did not say ‘assume’ as there is a difference in actuality, in attitude, and in action.

When you put positive expectancy into action, you begin everyday knowing it’s going to go your way because you are prepared to do the things that will make it so.

In a very practical manner, this goes for your morning huddles where everyone knows exactly how their day is going to flow and the outcomes they should expect because… (most importantly) what they are going to do about it, how they are taking responsibility for it, and where they can contribute to create the success of the day that you want.

You really can predict the future if you have strong enough commitments to what you are going to do with it as it unfolds and how you are going to engage with the people you will encounter.

You bring your day to life by having a vision of it, making a plan for it, taking action with it, and owning the responsibility of the outcome.

I’d say one of the most valuable exercises you and your team can do is visualize your day with positive expectancy in your morning huddles.  If you approach it like a team walking through how your day is going to go, you’ll be amazed at how much more control you will have, how many more days will go your way, and the amount of opportunity you will create as a result.

By the way, appreciation ties into this as well.  When you think about it, being appreciative in advance and having an attitude of gratitude, somehow just seems to magically make everyone around you more positive, more energetic, and more sincere while also reciprocating your feelings of thankfulness right back at you.

This is leading by example by being the person you’d want others to be, but not simply because of that.  Instead, it’s because of who you want to be.

With everything in life, whatever you want, there’s only one thing to do… you go first.  When you lead with positive expectancy and strong convictions, next comes more influence with others and more control over what’s going to happen.

By the way, I just want you to know on behalf of myself and our amazing team at Dental Success Today, we are so grateful for the privilege you give to us by allowing us to share our thoughts, ideas, strategies, but most of all our positive approach to life.

You inspire us every day and we sure couldn’t do what we do without you.  We just want to say…


Enjoy your Thanksgiving with your Family (and don’t forget your day time family in the practice).  Celebrate each other, your patients, and the impact you make together.

Happy Thanksgiving