Re-Imagining Dentistry and Creating Your Future – Part 1

If last week served as a setting of the compass (or perhaps even the blatant permission that you needed to stop holding yourself back from decisions that you’ve wanted to make, goals you’ve wanted to pursue, and things you wanted to do), then this week, we begin charting the course and charging ahead.

Far too many people’s minds, behaviors, actions, and decisions are either acting like this month is two months ago or as if it’s six months from now.

It’s neither.  Thank goodness. 

It is NOT the last month of the year.  Instead, it is the last month of the first half of the year.  There is actually more time left in 2020 than has elapsed.  Go figure.

Here’s the deal: the checklist of things to do whether it’s for each patient visit or to get back to fully being open is not going to bring you any magic.  The magic is in the people, it’s in the energy, it’s in you – your vision, your passion, your purpose.  The magic is what drives you every day to show up to the practice and become the great Doctor that you are.

You realize you could have stopped long ago… stopped striving for more and better, stopped seeking to learn and grow, stopped expanding your skills and thinking.

But you didn’t.  That’s not who you are.  If you didn’t stop then, don’t do it now.  

Never stop… thinking, dreaming, moving forward, and creating the future you want.

I’m challenging you, just like I did last week, to put actions not behind but in front of your words.  Clear out any and all preconceived ideas or predetermined limitations; whether forced upon you or decided by you, whether past or present, whether old or new.

Instead, decide that you are going to…

Re-imagine your practice.

Re-imagine your dentistry.

Re-imagine your patient experience.

Re-imagine your team.

Re-imagine your schedule, your vision, and your mindset.

The “re-open” is now over.  It’s time for what’s next.  Your comeback has begun, the game is underway, the only question that remains is how will you play out 2020.

To help you with that, I did a Team Huddle Meeting of my own to help you open discussions and stimulate creativity on the future and the possibilities that exist.  This is the single greatest opportunity you will ever have to fully and thoroughly create the practice that you want using this month to build your state of ideal and to leap forward to achieve your own record breaking month.

Why not?  What other worthy objective would there even be after everything you’ve, we’ve, they’ve been through?

The difference will be whether someone – you – decides to just “get open” and see what happens or decides to leverage this to define a new normal as you determine and desire it to be.

I can tell you what so many are doing with their new normal…

More effective screening

Smarter, more productive scheduling

More comprehensive treatment planning

Elimination of insurance in actuality and in mindset

(always beginning with yours and your teams first)

Better conveying your practice philosophy and goals for your patients’ health

These practices are not letting patients settle for less than they deserve and they are doing more consistent pre-payment with better bundling and less phasing of treatment and appointments.

So many Doctors are using this time to say, ‘if I’m going to – and I want to – continue to practice, then I want it to be exactly like this…’

In doing all of this, the clarity of your vision is always what matters first.  Then it is the plan and the how-to to get there.  Finally, keeping and sustaining it with integrity.

It is simple: how would you define your state of ideal in all aspects of your practice and then outside of it?  Once you establish this, you then must bring it to life with all people involved.

That begins with your team by establishing what your flow, communication, and schedule look like.  Then going back through your divide and conquer exercises so everyone knows where and how they fit.

Then we move to how to bring it to life with your patients with the orchestration of the perfect patient experience that builds, nurtures, cultivates, and creates A Patients.

After that, it’s about compounding the momentum based on your long term objectives and working backwards – I call it reverse engineering – to the daily patient engagement and protocols of every team member.

Here’s the thing, you get to define what success is and what success isn’t.  If you do that, we can actually execute a customized plan that will deliver to you exactly what you want.

In fact, that is why the proper question is not, “Can June and July be our best months ever?”  Instead, it’s “HOW can we make June and July our best months ever?”

In what ways can we work smarter than ever before and go from re-opening to record-setting by leaping forward to new levels of fun, benefit, impact, and prosperity for all people involved!

I believe when you take time to re-imagine, you can then create and make possible the greatest second half of any year you have ever had in your career.

You own your Practice.  I want you to also OWN this powerful opportunity and make the most of it because you want to, because you deserve to, and because you will help so many people as a result.  You will prove to yourself what has been possible all along; that’s my purpose for being here.

At this point, the only person that can inhibit you from this next jump and breakthrough is yourself.  I won’t let that happen – as long as you are here – I am with you.  We leap together, not back to the way things were, but onward to the way things can be.

The re-open is over, the past is history, the present is fleeting…

The creation of your future practice and life begins now.