We Are Under Attack

You, Me, Your Team, Your Patients! Our entire industry has been under siege for years now but it’s about to get a whole lot worse, unless and until you make a stand.

Each passing year Patients have began to base their decisions more and more on insurance and we have done nothing to stop them. Regardless of whether or not you are in network with insurance, you find patients justifying delay, avoiding complete diagnosis, and otherwise doing everything they can to be cheap about their oral care and dental health.

With very rare exception we have done nothing to stop this. At the very best, you might have fought back against patients who rely on insurance or you have made the insurance company the enemy (which they are) but you have not gone far enough to take control over the situation and most importantly take control over the way Patients make decisions about their care.

The problem: Patients’ lack of willingness to understand the value and to hold in high regard the care you provide for them.

Patients pick clothes, shoes, fashion, vacation, restaurants, luxuries over their own health all because insurance has beat into their brain that ‘health’ is not their responsibility – its yours – and you should provide it for not a penny more than what they insurance companies are willing to pay for it.

It’s time now to fight back.

You would think you have only two options, in life, we say ‘beat them’ or ‘join them’ well there is another option – its called ‘take advantage of them’ – you can beat the insurance company at their own game. Legally, of course.

All that is required is to begin seeing dentistry through the eyes of the patients and then helping them see it through the eyes of the practice and telling them the truth not only about their health but about their insurance.

Right now, I would guarantee there are big holes in your practice where insurance minded patients are eating away at your profits. They are sabotaging the work, care, and expertise you give all because they see you as the provider across the table negotiating with them instead of the confidant and partner in their health.

This has to change – it must change – we can’t afford for this to carry on without damaging the integrity of your practice and the core essence of everything you have worked for in your mission, purpose, and passion.

Probably, it already has eaten away at your profits and patient base through reactive pandering or even negligence or denial of the situation. This is the grave reality of the attack on the very thing that has made you great throughout your career…

Personal, individualized, patient-by-patient care.

Right now, I will give you the ultimatum that you have been living with for years perhaps without ever acknowledging it…

You can either engineer your Practice to allow and facilitate you, your entire team, and your complete patient experience to provide more time to engage and educate so that you can completely, properly, effectively diagnose, present, and close comprehensive treatment with your patients on a foundation of trust, rapport, relationship, and commitment to optimal ideal dentistry.


You can give into the volume model of corporatized dentistry that relies on thin margins, growing overhead, increasing requirement of open hours, employees, and stress to start each month all over again with a bigger mountain to climb.

If you think this leads to better service and a happier patient or team let alone doctor, you have been locked in the op with gas leaking out a little too long.

I’m not here to dictate the way you want to go about your practice – only to guide you to the promise land of autonomy, peace of mind, and success. I am talking about prosperity in practice, which can be yours again without selling out to insurance companies or giving into patients who don’t know any better.

You nor your practice has to be a victim.

Tomorrow I’m going to be unveiling and showing you exactly how you can create a revolution inside of your own practice without moving cities, swapping patients, or sacrificing your own principles or philosophy.

You can stand up for what you believe in with me and fight the good fight that any great dentist knows they can win.

Join the Small Practice Revolution Now >>>

Last week, I asked you to make a laundry list of anything you believed to be standing in your way of success. A list of any obstacles holding you back from the practice you and your team know is possible and you wish you would have. You won’t be surprised by the answers but you will be surprised at just how fast we can make a difference, together.

Every team member’s perspective matters – get their sincere assessment before tomorrow night – and then join me as we begin your own Practice Revolution…

Register for Tomorrow’s Live Webinar Event >>>
