Why ‘Doing Things Right’ Is Not Enough

No matter whether you are struggling to achieve your first million, you have been there once or many times before, you have plateaued and flat lined, you have slowly fallen backwards year after year – or – if you are having your best year ever and riding the wave to a multi-million-dollar practice business…

There are specific things that will lead to or prevent you from achieving your practice’s greatest potential.

In every case of success, you can point to the habits, behaviors, decisions and actions of people who do great things over and over again.  That list is often talked about.  It is waved around like a flag of “hey look at me…look what I’m doing.”  You can easily compare or contrast yourself to the list and then become ever-more frustrated because after decades in practice you have still yet to figure out why ‘someone’ is doing better than you (and there is always ‘that’ someone).

The problem is: when looking at what someone else is doing, you never really see inside of their practice or their thinking, their team or daily life to really understand the variables that exist that make this doctor successful.

It’s an elusive thing, because one person’s success does not mean that you, even in following THEIR plan, would then also become successful.

So, you ask yourself why is success not a formula guaranteed to work every time?

Why can’t specific steps and actions be replicated inside of another practice and the same results occur?

And maybe even a more important question – for those who believe themselves to already be on top – why do you suffer from inconsistencies, up and down months or quarters or years (even when nothing has changed inside of your practice)?  You are doing nothing differently and yet you can’t predictably achieve your desired results and accomplish your stated goals.

The answers to all of these are all the same.  They are found in looking one hundred and eighty degrees in reverse.  Not by asking what is someone else is doing, but rather what they are NOT doing that is allowing them to be successful.

Achievement of any goal (especially if you wish for this to become a consistent recurring experience and victory for you), requires a different approach.

Here’s the untold truth: Success is more about avoiding sabotaging behavior than it is about just doing things right.

A quarterback can throw the perfect pass down the field but if he can’t read the defense, it’s certain to be intercepted… it doesn’t matter how tight the spiral was.  Certain players are simply more prone to sabotaging the team.

If you can balance getting out of your own way, avoiding self-defeating behaviors and still being proactive to set up success by executing on a predictable strategy – then you are poised to compound your victories to achieve your full potential rather than starting over again every year.

In all aspects of your practice, there are places where success can be undone, sold short and undermined.  It will not matter how hard you work, how many patients you see, how many hours you are open, or any possible other thing.  None of them will matter because of these other things that you have either neglected, circumvented or ignored that must be fixed first.

With that said, we begin… the greatest possible gift I can give you for this Holiday Season is the only gift that ultimately makes you more valuable to yourself, your practice, your team, your family and every other person, place or thing you care about.  That is…

Making you a better you.

A better business person.

A better leader.

A better influencer.

A better diagnostician.

A better doctor.

That is the journey we are going on beginning next week.  As I unwrap this gift to you one week at a time, pay close attention because this will be the most methodical means of improvement certain to set-up your greatest successes in the new year.

Between now and next week, I ask you to assess something that I gave our All-Star Practices as an assignment at our recently completed Conference of Champions in Nashville in early November.

That was to think about, assess and decide on: what things in your life and business should you do more of, less of, none of at all.  There are things that creep in over the twelve months of a year that water down our effectiveness, that get in the way of real priorities, that bog down progress and cause us to lose control.  There are also lost and forgotten actions of great importance.  All of these need to be reorganized and reassessed.

Do that now, because next week we turn our focus inward, our vision forward, and we evolve into the best you can possibly be.


As an introduction to this and relevant to the discussion we had today is my brand new and just released book The Dental Success Secret.  It’s a great way to begin this conversation and our work together.  This could very well be your last chance to get your copy and sink your teeth into a roadmap for success that is certain to work – for you.

Get Your Free Copy of My New Book: The Dental Success Secret >>>