Just One Call Can Unleash Your Practice’s
Full 7-Figure Income Potential

Giving You More Control Over Your Time,
Allowing More Unrushed Minutes With Patients,
Generating More Of The Dentistry You Desire,
& Reducing The Hours Spent In The Office

Doctor, I now know something very important about you...

You wouldn't be here right now if you didn’t have a GREATER VISION in mind for your dental practice. An ambition still un-satisfied. A desire not yet achieved. A legacy remaining to be built.

You wouldn’t be reading these words if you hadn’t already considered that perhaps the BEST way to make that vision a reality...

Is to have someone at your side who can help you devise the perfect path just for you.

Good news - you get to pick that person!

So... who do you want?

Someone who accepts excuses in order to make you feel better about yourself?

Or instead, someone who empowers you to put:

  • More MONEY in your pocket

  • More TIME in your days, and

  • More FREEDOM in your life?

Here’s what I’m inviting you to experience...

I’m inviting you to achieve all that and more by creating a fully customized "Million Dollar Schedule” Blueprint for your practice.

And it all begins with just one call. You and I, 1-on-1, two great minds working together as one.

We will engineer your schedule in such a way as to reliably deliver predictable results, all while providing the high value, comprehensive health your patients deserve.

Creating this blueprint means committing to stacking the deck in your favor so you can free more time, get more of the “right” cases, and perform more life-changing dentistry.

Your schedule is your key to leverage, prosperity, and maximizing everything you've worked for, invested in, sacrificed, and built.

And more than just scheduling advice, you will discover how to experience a lifestyle you truly enjoy… enabling you to pursue your passions, your interests, and achieve significance outside of dentistry, not just within.

In case you were wondering…

There is no fee, no risk, no obligation. This is totally my gift to you for investing your time and energy in going through my book and deciding to put the lessons it provided into practice.

Come prepared for a candid, intense exchange... in fact, it just might be the most powerful, most rewarding conversation you’ve ever had.

  • We will invest one hour together and dissect every area of your practice as it relates to scheduling.

  • We will break through any obstacles holding you back, getting to the root of all scheduling challenges sabotaging your profits and growth.

  • We will have a frank discussion about the changes and improvements and lifestyle enhancements you want to see happen.

And when we finish...

I promise you'll walk away with a definitive blueprint and action plan to transform your current practice – no matter where you’re at today – into the perfect dental practice for you.

Imagine --- finally finding FREEDOM from the limits imposed by “round-the-clock” dentistry… where you’re no longer working constantly to cycle through as many patients as possible...

It’ll be like having a HUGE WEIGHT lifted from your shoulders. Every day will feel and be different – not just for you, but for your entire team as well.

That’s exactly what having a customized Million Dollar Schedule Blueprint for your practice will enable you to accomplish.

Again, there’s no fee. No strings attached. No obligation, no risk. It's my gift to you.

Don’t miss this chance to discover exactly how to engineer your schedule to provide the greatest benefits to your patients, your team, and everyone who matters most to you. Complete the form below and let’s get started.

Scott J. Manning, MBA
Founder, Dental Success Today

"I wanted more life than work and Scott exceeded my expectations. Within the first 90 days I was making more money, working less days a month, and most importantly, was having fun doing it. He lit a fire that was much needed and has helped me sustain growth in not only my practice but my life." - Dr. Schmidt, Jackson, Wyoming

"Honestly, initially I was skeptical about the lofty goals we had set for our practices and the short window we had given ourselves to meet these goals but, we doubled our practices and met every goal planned with relative ease. I can say with utter and complete confidence that my practices would have never reached this level of success without training from Scott."- Drs. Afshar & Afshar, El Dorado Hills, California

"I know I'm on the right path with you and what I would say if there's anybody out there listening that's kind of on the fence about should I or shouldn't I - I would say absolutely get on board."

- Dr. Hunt, Roseville, Minnesota


PS: And one more thing… At the end of our call, if you can honestly say this was a waste of your time, that it didn't uncover at least three things you can do NOW to improve scheduling in a way that generates profits in your practice immediately…

Then just let me know. I'll write you out a personal check to reimburse you for those 60 minutes.

I put my money where my mouth is. I practice what I preach. I guarantee to deliver massive, practical value that you can put to profitable use.

This will be the most valuable, insightful, and exciting call you’ve ever had in your career, I promise you that.

PPS: To help you prepare you for our conversation, I’ll provide you with several incredibly valuable resources. You'll want to watch your mailbox for the delivery of my: 2021 Practice Prosperity Package. The real value of this resource kit is easily over one-thousand dollars, but once you accept my invitation by requesting our call, I’m happy to ship you this valuable information for free.

RESOURCE #1: The Dental Practice Shift: You'll receive a copy of my most popular (and highly acclaimed) book. In it, discover how to avoid the 7 deadly sins that sabotage your profits, peace of mind, and production growth. Arm yourself with these 3 Powerful Practice Mindshifts that help you restore prosperity, reach your potential, and accelerate your success.

RESOURCE #2: Dental Super Powers: Armed with your second book, you won’t need a utility belt or even a cape to achieve the lifestyle practice of your dreams. Deep within you lies 12 SUPER-HERO POWERS waiting to be unleashed. Powers that will enable you to finally claim victory to schedule autonomy, financial independence, optimal team performance, and a balanced life.

RESOURCE #3: The Definitive Guide to Practice Transitions: This exclusive report and accompanying audio CD interview offers the perfect preparation for your next career phase; whether adding an associate, moving away from high volume, bringing in a specialty, or preparing for retirement. These incredible resources will help you choose the optimal transition, ramp-down, or exit strategy without taking a hit on your income.

RESOURCE #4: Plus, inside your Practice Prosperity Package, you'll also receive an expanded selection of bonus CDs, DVDs, interviews and reports to further your progress to achieving complete financial liberty and scheduling freedom.

"Revolutionized The Way I Practice"

“Scott’s methods have revolutionized the way I practice. We do more big cases, our cash flow is improved, and team morale is higher than ever before. As the practice has grown, I have also managed to decrease my clinical days by over 25%. Without Scott and his DST team, I wouldn’t be where I am today."

- Dr. Vickers, Flower Mound, Texas

“Just Call Scott.”

"I’d just tell you to call Scott… Anybody who’s at a crossroads of, “Okay, what do I need to do?” and they want something more but they don’t necessarily know how to get there, that’s what he’s great for. So my advice to anyone would be if you have a lot of ideas and you know you want to do more but you don’t know what that is or how to go about doing it, having a business mentor like Scott is what you need."

- Dr. Klauer, South Bend, Indiana

“You will never meet a more positive, confident and charismatic leader to guide you through whatever the world of dentistry can throw at you! Take the time to listen to what he has to say because there is no one who will make a bigger impact on your life both at home and in the office than Scott Manning.”

- Dr. Connolly, Sewell, New Jersey

“Much More Rewarding”

“Scott offers a wonderful outside view… It is very very much a ‘Let’s define what you want your practice to be and then figure out a way to make it a viable economic business and a viable personal business so that you go home energized rather than worn out.’ Through Scott, you defined what you want your practice to be and I find that much more rewarding than when I was chasing someone else’s dream."

- Dr. Moberly, Seattle, Washington

"Scott's Doing Something Different."

“Scott’s doing something different than everybody else. He’s really listening to you…he’s coming up with a complete blueprint that’s specifically for you, not for every office…I think his perspective is far different and gives you an opportunity to be far more successful."

- Dr. Tieken, Houston, Texas

You’ve been worth $300/hour in collections’ increase... Anybody who tells you they don’t want an extra $300 in every hour of every day they work, they’re crazy. And the best thing is it’s all profit.”

- Dr. Bartish, Cincinnati, Ohio

