Scott J Manning, MBA
I have invested and dedicated my career and myself for the past decade to helping Dentists to approach their practice with calculated business systems that allow them to have what I call a Lifestyle Practice.
This is done by maximizing the time in the office, chairside, hands on the patient, and filling up the schedule with the right patients for each Doctor’s specific desired method of practice. My process ensures, that each day, week, month, and peak earning year of your career is productive, valuable, and driving you forward towards your stated goals and objectives.
Of course, I wasn’t born with this expertise and knowledge about how to make a Dentist Rich (well, maybe a little). Really I learned from my own personal experience and from meeting my first professional client and Doctor Friend a long, long time ago in a small town in Indiana.
At a very early age, I began training in Martial Arts, Karate and then TaeKwonDo with a little Judo mixed in. This occurred from the time I was 5 years old nonstop for over 20 years. The discipline I gained from this made me more mature than most people many years older than I was. With these combined experiences, I began teaching other people at the young age of 13.
It was then that I met my first Dentist Friend, Father, and Client. He was the father to 3 of my youngest martial arts students and he loved my approach to structure and discipline. Because of this, he asked if I would help him in his practice and, of course, I said yes.
His private training with me led me to see inside of his operations and really how a Dentist’s daily life is so much different, in high demand, and usually very intense and stressful.
When I was 15 years old, I invested all of the money I saved from working summer jobs and bought out my instructor. (I did this for many reasons we don’t have time for, nor are they relevant to this story). I paid $3,000 and officially began my first business when I was a freshman in High School.
I grew my little “empire” to 9 employees across 4 cities and 6 locations and earned well into the $100,000 per year before I graduated from High School.
This aggressive growth nature of expansion without any experience lead to a cycle of cash flow problems that quickly taught me that Business was about more than how much you made… it was about
And I also realized a saying that I still live by today – it is more important how hard you have to work to make the money you earn than it is how much money you generate. Sacrificing your life “today” for “tomorrow” is really a bad idea when done to extreme. It’s possible to earn incredible income, create wealth, and do it with a lifestyle-based practice.
During this time, I still played sports and went to college and got my undergraduate degree. I realized that the most successful clients I had were all Doctors, highly educated professionals and they really didn’t want to participate in group classes.
They wanted individual private training. This is what led me to become friends with so many Doctors. I grew to understand their lifestyle and desire for excellence and to achieve any skill they set out to do at a level of perfection most “normal people” do not care about.
I admired this and shaped my entire programs and business model around serving the elite and progressive minded students.
This is exactly what I do now. I work with elite progressive doctors to shape their practices to a level of fine-tuned perfection in business that gives them control over their life and income.
The biggest change in my life was when I decided to move from teaching martial arts to teaching business. Every day, someone would talk about how in awe they were of my success at such a young age and they always asked what made me different when so many others couldn’t crack the code.
After a while, you get the hint. I decided that my passion was for Entrepreneurship, and I began what would become the largest Business Coaching Program in the country in Indianapolis, Indiana.
I did this while I was completing my MBA so I would not only have real world experience but also the education to back up “what’s really suppose to happen”.
I would say, above all else, my MBA gives me an X-Ray Vision insight into the business operations of a Practice. This allows me to identify important and immediate places of change or improvement in a practice that can be adjusted and result in profit, growth, new patients and an ease of making money versus a stressful struggle of the daily grind or monotonous routine.
As a Master in the Martial Arts, achieving my 6th Degree Black Belt in one of the most Traditional International Organizations in the world, I wanted to have this “Master” degree for Business. It has paid off well.
I have used my experience to create and identify weaknesses in practices that can’t be seen to anyone else on the inside, sort of like predicting the future, and avoiding set-backs, downfalls, and inconsistent cash flow or ups and downs in new patient numbers.
During the early days of my Coaching Company, before I became the leader of the worlds largest group of Advisors for Marketing and Education, I met a quiet Doctor practicing in the Suburbs who shared my love and passion for the Martial Arts. This Dentist really took life seriously. He was all about his kids and his lifestyle, not just about making money. He structured for himself at that time without much of my help what I coined a “lifestyle practice.” This was back when it was hard to do. He was running seven-figures with only 2 staff members and afforded himself the ability to retire long before most Docs even start to pick up steam.
I studied him and applied the disciplined formulas I learned in the martial arts, business world and my education and crafted a set of specialized formulas and protocols that would become my Practice Profit and Prospect to Patient Blueprints that I have become famous for today.
What happened next could never be predicted and I would have never expected. Through my success and “fame” of being known for being a massive, bold and aggressive action taker and master of implementation, people began to come to me to learn my model of creating income by selling my knowledge.
No matter what purpose I would have when doing a Consulting and Strategic Practice Development Day with Doctors, inevitably they would always want to know how they could create income outside of their practice in a safe, guaranteed way other than Real Estate and the Stock Market.
They wanted to have a piece of my business.
This is going to sound crazy, but my Doctor Clients wanted a second income stream so they could basically earn twice the income with half the effort.
And that’s when my own personal big-breakthrough happened that lead to my work with Dentists around the world. I began traveling with my Private Client who hosted more lectures for one of the big giant dental supply companies (can’t be named for fear of corporate attorney hostile attacks). I had the opportunity to meet thousands of Doctors across two+ non-stop years of helping and working with every type of practice, dentist, and patient you could imagine.
I spent my weekends sitting at a table listening to challenges and giving solutions and throwing down quick action plans for Docs to run home with and execute.
I’ve never been stumped yet and well I guess my reputation proceeds me. I knew that my advice would help Doctors that were really too busy to implement and execute on their own. They needed customized systems and leveraged strategies that they didn’t have to do, and an individualized blueprint for success that, once created for them, could be installed and put on autopilot.
That’s exactly what I have done again and again and again.
I guess you could call it second nature or some innate ability. But like most Dentists, I too had to learn, work, practice and observe the skills I have created.
Like a Doctor fixes a mouth or designs a smile and improves the overall health of his or her patients, I fix a practice and design a lifestyle to improve overall health both financially and operationally to better match up with what a Doctor wants.