Oh boy, if this isn’t the most dividing topic in Dentistry. Well, there are many, this is certainly one. Patients who want to pay, can’t pay, have insurance, good insurance, bad insurance, expect things for free, high maintenance, ideal, A Patients, PPO Patients, and so on and so forth.
I know what you are thinking. Your patients are different. Pfui. Seriously. You, yours, in all the places in the world, yours, somehow give you more problems then all other practice. Not a chance. There are areas that skew in different directions, demographics, incomes, but, there is always somewhere else out there relative to where, who, what you are.
Trust me.
Around the corner, down the block, over the hills and through the woods, there is some business, practice, even dentist thriving and proving other people’s thoughts, beliefs, preconceived ideas wrong.
I hope, that person is you!
I talk to Dentists every week who say they “just don’t see any cosmetic cases much anymore” or they go as far as saying cosmetics are dead or patients just don’t care that much, they don’t want to spend money.
And you will pretty much always get what you believe you will or won’t get.
A little secret of mine (one of the reasons my clients who do something get such dramatic results so very fast and quickly) is because they change or expand their focus and all of a sudden like buying a new car and now noticing how many other people have your unique and special only-you car out there on the road, the production you didn’t think was possible just falls in your lap and patients start saying yes.
This is exactly why I’ve put together a complete system, what I call the High Fee Large Case Accelerator System to show you it’s possible, to pave the way, lay out the steps, and help you get back to (or get started doing) bigger, more comprehensive, larger high fee cases.
It’s going to be a industry-shaking, limiting belief-shattering, wealth-exploding, lifestyle enhancing event. You can pre-register and save your seat for my first ever Live Webcast right here >>>
Now, quickly, about this money thing.
First…here’s what I know personally, being involved with, and intimately talking to more Dentists every week than any one else, in this way, in the industry…
You most likely are too far removed from the money.
Pretty much every Dentist is left in the dark, usually intentionally by choice as to how we are doing RIGHT NOW, minute to minute, patient to patient, day to day…like playing the Basketball Championship or any other sport for 4 quarters without checking the score board and just hoping for the next game in the series.
You might look at the past, last week, last month, last year.
Do you look at the future, do you ask questions, do you check in, do you know how much cash was put down on the case as a deposit TODAY, how much the treatment was diminished or fully accepted TODAY.
This should be the entire point of your Practice Leader and/or the Person or people who report to you, not high-five the day is done, but hello Dr Dentist Owner, here’s what happened today, here’s what tomorrow looks like, and here’s where we are at towards our GOALS (not our minimum breakeven point) and now based on this information what can we do to make adjustments, improvements, and score more points, make more patients healthy.
Doesn’t matter if you don’t want to do it, you have to know about it.
At least if you want to be responsible for your own success. At least if you want to develop true financial independence and be able to make good, educated, confident decisions and adjustments.
When I go digging deep into a Practice, I don’t have to dig very far, barely put the shovel in the ground to stump them on what’s really going on.
Especially when it comes to actual money. They might know how many patients yesterday, how many new patients last month, how much production or collection always in the rear view mirror.
I want you to be able to tell me how much production is in the schedule for next week, where are there opportunities to increase or find some slack adjuster, how much your Team members performance is.
So, what does all of this have to do with getting patients to buy treatment.
Because you might be blaming your patients or listening to your team tell you that nobody wants to pay, but there could be many other problems, opportunities, challenges.
1 – you might not be diagnosing any treatment for them to sell
2 – they might not be presenting the treatment you diagnosed
3 – it might be presented as all or nothing instead of getting the patient in motion
4 – the biggest gaps are usually in patients saying yes, placing treatment in the schedule and securing a deposit or payment for this treatment
…all of these things matter and they require systems and a tactical approach and accountability not just blaming the patient for not having money because we aren’t making enough.
The best exercise to do is…
Go to all past new patients, even just 30 days.
Look at exactly how much treatment was diagnosed, then presented, then accepted, then scheduled immediately, then paid for on the spot, then followed through with, then collected on.
WOW. That’s a lot of steps and any one of them can be the giant gapping hole in your bucket and it all just looks like “my patients won’t pay or they don’t have any money.”
Here’s the cold hard truth – I’ve never seen a patient do something all on their own – they make the decisions you let them make, they do what you allow, if you need to improve these systems and patient payment follow-through, it’s yours to own.
There are no excuses, insurance, cheap patients, no money, small town…big city or anything else. You either have a good system or a bad system.
It’s working for someone, it can be working for you.
When it comes to patient psychology of money I have 6 major tips for you today.
A – Condition the patients to see it as an investment.
B – Always begin with the total treatment, bundled, packaged, full mouth health.
C – Move to installments or phased in treatments.
D – Next, a deposit to move forward with a structured treatment schedule.
E – DO NOT diminish treatment by default. Money and Treatment are not connected.
F – And do not leave the expectation that “revisit it in 6 months, or next year” as always being okay otherwise you condition patients to wait…and that never ends…until they no longer show back up for recare…and you lose them.
Listen to me loud and clear. I mean this…
If you want to be a “step-by-step” Dentist, sell your practice, become an Associate take what falls in your lap, go work for a group or corporate based practice because you shouldn’t be in private practice because you are being your own shitty employee. The biggest gripe I get from Doctors is their Associates won’t bundle treatment, they don’t give the big picture, they piece meal everything together.
Don’t be your own inefficient, ineffective Associate working for you as the owner of the Practice. Put your Owner hat on once in a while and take a look at yourself.
If you give in to step by step, you are automatically conditioning your patients to be price shoppers, small minded, and okay to do the least possible all the time. This means you have to have a never ending giant stream of new patients, the worst position to be in, and you have to constantly live in under pressure of the high volume low value practice mentality.
It’s simple, to find out how you are doing…You must track this.
Paid for.
Followed-through with.
To get more treatment and get more patients investing more in their own health and in you, your team and your practice…just start stating, “these things happen together, while you are here, all at once”
We’re going to do 3 visits, or 1 visit, or whatever it is, but not…singular, step by step dentistry. It’s terrible for the patient and it ruins your efficiency.
If you want to stop having $100-$300-$500 hours stop selling $100-$300-$500 dentistry that hodge podges their mouth together.
You think about this please.
Next week, I’ll actually break down step by step (did I just say that – not treatment silly) how to ask for and receive maximum payment for the treatments you present and want your patients to have.
Now, before you leave me today, hurry up and go here, and grab your seat for my…
“The Ultimate High-Fee Large Case Accelerator System”
During this LIVE Training, you will discover:
How to uncover the secret buying signals of your patients… it’s like switching on a radio channel direct from their brain that you never knew existed!
3 specific transition statements to get an existing patient off the fence and ready to move forward with the treatment you recommend.
What to do if your case presentation falls flat and they leave undecided – don’t let thousands of dollars just walk out the door!
6 different ways to overcome objections to price – you won’t have to worry about that “But I can’t afford it” response ever again!
The single most important Case Acceptance Strategy to guarantee a YES.
How to determine between using a 2-step Treatment Conference or same-day Close – there’s a science to this and I reveal exactly how it works.
The 4 Pillars of Prosperity you must teach your Team to ensure their success – if your Team isn’t on board with these, you’re costing yourself big time each and every day.
Discovering the right way to present treatment the fee with or without the Dentist and why it matters so much.
The most important slack adjusters (i.e., high dollar value options) to increase case size and accelerate treatment – from bundling to permanent solutions to the ultimate aesthetic upgrades.
Revealed: my no-nonsense Insurance Excuse Wild Card… I don’t care if you are insurance-driven or fee-for-service, when it comes to pretending insurance is why you don’t sell big cases get ready because I’m going to call your bluff and make you rich in the process.