Your Lifestyle Practice Manifesto-Part 1

Scott J Manning, MBA
Weekly Report: Life Prosperity and Practice Profit

Do you have a Lifestyle Dental Practice Manifesto? There is nothing more important than the feeling of fulfillment in your life and practice because that is what drives everything else. As you will see unfold over the next several weeks, as we talk about having the Ideal Lifestyle Practice, there are specific pillars and components that make it possible.

Today, we’ll talk first and foremost about YOU, because ultimate fulfillment is not just about the dentistry, the life changing benefits you provide to patients and the satisfaction of your work.

Over the next few weeks, we’ll discuss all of those things of course – but first, everything begins with you.
Think about your career, ponder, reflect… deeply. What’s your reason for choosing dentistry? Or how did dentistry chose you?

Every doctor has a story and all that matters is that it’s yours.

When it all started, what did you envision your life as, your schedule as, your wealth as, your retirement as? All of these things change over time. The more you progress, achieve, experience and wisdom you gain, the more you see things differently in an evolved sort of way.

Dental practice growth with Scott ManningAt least that’s what should happen – fortunately, you still hold the perfect opportunity to accelerate your progress and realize everything you set out to achieve.

I’m going to share my proven step-by-step strategy to designing and living out the practice of your dreams in an all-new, live webinar training…

“The 3 Keys To Building A Lifestyle Dental Practice That Delivers Greater Income, Impact, and Independence”

How ANY Dentist Can Experience the ABUNDANT Lifestyle You Deserve… Enabling You To Pursue Your Passions/Interests and Achieve Meaningful Significance Outside of Dentistry

Live Webinar: Thursday, June 20th at 8pm ET / 5pm PT

Unlike other dentists forced to battle Insurance over reimbursements and struggling to compete against low-ball DSO pricing, you CAN have a practice that generates steady, predictable profits without requiring endless hours of repetitive drudge work.

Here’s just a taste of what I’ll be covering on this LIVE training:

  • Discover how the standard “Dental Practice Business Plan” falls woefully short when it comes to laying out a practical strategy for powerful growth and long term wealth… instead of conforming to some bank’s lending department guidelines, imagine instead a revolutionary DIFFERENT way to engineer the perfect kind of practice for YOU.
  • The keys to experiencing success on multiple levels – financially, work-life-balance, and emotional fulfillment. Yes, you can have it all and I’ll give you real-life case studies that prove it’s not only possible, but that you CAN do this and dramatic change CAN happen practically overnight!
  • Why positioning yourself as the most “affordable” option, eagerly welcoming EVERY person who happens to show up at your door, DESTROYS your practice’s profitability and puts your high value patients at greater risk both today and over the long term.
  • A simple, yet CRITICAL Mental Shift guaranteed to unleash significant practice improvements in just 90 days, providing you and your team with a series of quick wins that rapidly build momentum towards your dreams.
  • The surprising secret that makes it easy to build a lifestyle practice that conforms 100% to YOUR values and objectives. (Most doctors, even when they discover this strategy, won’t give it the slightest consideration – too bad for them, but all-the-better for you!)
  • KEY Actions you and your team must take within the 24 hours surrounding a Patient Visit that can transform a “so-so” patient experience into one that literally knocks their socks off in terms of quality, attention to detail, and whole-hearted concern for their needs and long term health objectives. (You can build a highly profitable practice based on just this alone!)

And that’s only the beginning… there’s a whole lot more as well!

And when we finish, you’ll finally hold the power to crafting your very own blueprint for a Lifestyle Practice based 100% around your goals, dreams, and values.

Save your spot NOW and join me as we embark on the journey through the creation of these success pillars within your practice. Space is limited so sign up today. You simply cannot afford to miss out.

Register For The Live Webinar: 3 Keys To Building A Lifestyle Dental Practice

Now, here’s where we take it up a notch. Even more important than thinking back to the beginning, is to think ahead to the end.

When it’s all said and done (whether you are done by force or by choice, whether its sooner or later), what do you want to look back on and have as your pride, your memory, your legacy, your trophy? What do you want to have to show for it?

However, to get to the end – we have to talk about THE DURING. This is the DASH, between two dates where life is truly lived and prosperity to truly created. For us, it’s in between now and the end of your career (since we can’t go back in time, we can only move forward).

Ask yourself this powerful and necessary question:

How do you define fulfillment?

What do you want the dash to be like for you, your family, your health, your wealth, your passions, your patients, your interests, and your ambitions?

Because this is all you’ve got and what lies ahead will only be done in one of two ways…

On Purpose – or – by Accident. You can flip a coin or you can decide.

What does fulfillment look like, feel like, earn like, vacation like, recharge like, aspire like, give like?
I have to say (and there are Doctors who will be offended by this), whenever someone tells me they don’t care about having a lot of vacations, I immediately think, “What a shame.”

Because life isn’t just about you. Did you ever ask the others around you? Quite often those times when you aren’t working are the only times when you are totally and completely present with your family.

You have to have vacations. Now they can be long weekends or weeks at a time; staying at home or going somewhere else. Memories can be made anywhere at any time doing anything. But they don’t happen unless they are allowed to, which means they must be facilitated and scheduled.

You have to give yourself permission to be fulfilled.

Doctors show up to see me typically with far too little on their bucket lists. I don’t care what you call the list but there has to be something bigger than what’s going on in the office every day… something greater involving what you want to be, do, have, accomplish, acquire, experience, conquer, enjoy.

You won’t find anyone who is truly successful AND fulfilled who lacks for imagination, desires, or interests; no matter whether they are directed inward or outward.

What I want you to do is to play patient and ask yourself “What do you want?”

Fulfillment is one of those things that will forever be elusive. It’s only a matter of how much you will savor, feel enriched, and invigorated by your journey. What you made of the Dash along the way.

You may not be able to go back or even want to change anything about the beginning of your career until today. You may feel completely satisfied, or you may not.
What you do have control over is what happens next, where you go from here, what you want, and what you will put into that time between now and the end.

That answer drives the parameters, decisions, principles, even the actual business economic formula we would use to create and fully design your Lifestyle Practice.

(By the way, the specific steps to engineering that kind of practice will be laid out in my upcoming Live Webinar Training… Save Your Seat Now)

Anything decided, acted on, done before you solidify this is all just for the sake of it, with no meaning, no direction, no real purpose and inevitably no real lasting intrinsic fulfillment will be felt.

You deserve more and a much different experience and feeling than that.

Therefore, let this, Part 1 – focused on the fulfilment of everything involving YOU – act as the first pillar of your manifesto and become the compass for all the other aspects of your practice and your life.