Why Profit Matters

How are you? How’s the week been? What’s new in your life, your practice? I have another question…what are you most excited about right now? What’s going well?

And…what is the thing most weighing on your mind right now you believe is the next big breakthrough for your Practice?

I know a lot of questions for a Friday Morning.

Honestly, I don’t think Dentists ask themselves enough questions and they don’t ask Patients enough questions for that matter. Did you know the best way to get Patients to do more Dentistry, to accept more treatment, to agree to get healthier and comply with your diagnosis…yep…you guessed it, it’s to ask more questions.

They will “sell” themselves.

I promise you this, if you are under diagnosing, there are 3 reasons…

1 – you are prejudging the patient

2 – you are not asking enough questions

3 – you are not making it about the patient

It’s very obvious as to the health of your practice based on the amount of treatment is diagnosed. Because the single greatest determining factor of your success is…


Look, if you know me, which You must because you are reading the most talked about, provocative, truth telling, call-it-like-it-is, and I would like to say helpful weekly publication in the Dental Industry, then you know I believe in always doing what’s best for the Patient, always.

And what’s best for them isn’t avoiding the inevitable, it isn’t waiting, delaying, or otherwise trying to exert your preferences onto the patient. Just diagnosis what’s there based on your philosophy – for goodness sake – stop trying to do all the work…let the patient help.

When you involve the patient in the process, when you engage them, instead of make them feel like an innocent bystander with people talking about them instead of WITH (notice the use of the word WITH not “to”) them it’s going to change your life and theirs. I promise you this.

The most common result of my Dentists who complete their personalized Lifestyle and Practice Blueprint with me is their production doubles somewhere within the range of 60-120 days WITHOUT adding a single new patient to their average daily, weekly, monthly flow because we OPEN THE DOCTORS MIND so we can OPEN THE PATIENTS VISION and we become a guide to engaging the patient in their health.

Remember this:

We talk a lot about ways to make your Practice more Profitable here and there is NOTHING more important than a Profit Practice – you know why –


When the Doctors are happy they are relaxed, when they are relaxed they have peace of mind, when they have peace of mind they don’t act desperate, they don’t pull up short, they don’t stop before you get to ideal…because when the PROSPERITY of the Practice is in tact they don’t practice cheap patient service, they practice magical patient experience.

…And best of all…

Profitability means more Patients are getting healthy. It means you are achieving optimal care and ensuring each Patient is receiving not only comprehensive dentistry you are also providing a complete experience that leads to more referrals, happier patients, more committed and loyal Team Members.

There are so many ways to increase the growth of your Practice, to become more profitable, without becoming “busier” – and busier is fine when you are ready for it.

When I conduct my Strategic Consultations over the Phone with Dentists you would be amazed at how many ways we uncover to add profitability to their practice, often overnight, I’m not joking, literally by just moving things around, making a few adjustments, tweaking the patient experience, the scripts used to present treatment, the flow from one Team Member to another.

It should be your most fun conversation to have, yes even more than the next bright shiny object piece of equipment or CE course. Because really, this is what it’s all about. When you embrace the necessity and requirement of owning, operating, waking up every day to a thriving profitable practice you will soon realize that you’ll enjoy dentistry more than ever before because you’ll do it without stress, frustration, or desperation.

Liberating: That’s the business I’m in, liberating my Dentists to achieve all that’s possible, to enjoy their every-days, and have the power to choose what they do, when they do it, and who they do it with…I believe my role is to provide you with more options for you to choose on the buffet of life giving you absolute control over your financial health, personal health, family and relationship health, and be able to pursue and achieve anything you want for your future and on your life’s adventure.

Ask more questions… to yourself, your patients, your family, your team…hey you can even ask me questions. And remember your key to having everything you want in life is liberating you from the “need” to practice or do anything else to having the “choice” to practice and do whatever you want because you have a profitable, prospering, healthy practice that gives you peace of mind not takes it away.

Let’s make it happen! And if you’re open to some outside expert guidance and my perspective on the right questions to ask for any and all of the above, let’s get started, you can go right here…