Olympic Gold And Your Dental Practice

Scott J Manning, MBA, Weekly Report: Life Prosperity and Your Dental Practice Profit 

Take Home the GOLD at the Olympics of Dentistry

As the saying so often goes in August… this month we’re going “back to school.” Sometimes that even transcends itself into “back to basics” – all of which have value to them.

This reminds me of the concept from the self-help “gurus” that “school is never out for the pro!”

This is a truth and maybe the most fundamental truths of them all. All success, every elite performer, the very best all believe you either…

• Growing or Shrinking

• Learning or Forgetting

• Optimistic or Pessimistic

Last week, I left you with… Pursuing or Avoiding

And as you are witnessing during the Olympics… Winning or Losing

No Gold Medalist steps on the podium without first setting out to do exactly that. Victory is never an accident; rather the result of consistent, deliberate effort moving them in the direction they choose to go – backed by the belief they will achieve an ever-lasting legacy.

Therefore, the only way to join these ranks is to swap the stops with the starts and then to never have to do it again because you move with a relentless momentum. All by adopting the greatest mindset and commitment of champions…


The key quote that I shared with you last week which is the mantra for my Wealth Groups and why we must refocus, re-center, and recalibrate every single quarter without fail… is to reset the compass to true north to ensure we are in pursuit of what we desire.

You either act out of desire or out of desperation. 

In Dentistry, many components are all elements of desperation) insurance, financial objections, lowest common denominator, inferior mindset).

At best ‘hopeful’ that patients will say yes; although to not very much worth very little.

The opposite of this is to be proactive leaders that help facilitate your patients’ health by moving them towards optimal health (not just away from poor health).

Are you playing offense or defense with your patients’ health, with insurance in your practice, with your schedule, with your treatment planning, with your morning huddles, and every other single interaction in your practice?

You can extrapolate this to your own health, your own finances, your own time freedom, your own personal discipline, your own relationships, your own hobbies, your own faith.

This is precisely why I exist. It’s not to grow your dental practice, it is to grow you.

It’s not to make you more money, it’s to give you more resources to liberate yourself from limiting beliefs.

My role here is actually to make you a rising tide for everyone else in your life, everything around you, by lifting you up first.

Question: Are you doing this in your life? In your practice? In your diagnosis?

Are you the greatest common factor or the lowest common denominator? Are you the villain or the hero, the victim or the victor? Is your practice creating or cratering?

I challenge you to challenge yourself. You must break free from the box you’ve built around yourself, remove self-sabotage, and stop accepting status quo. That’s the only way to start expecting more FIRST from and out of yourself. SECOND for yourself and everyone else and then, and only then THIRD from and out of everyone else.

If you are ready to answer the call, I’d invite you to join me for a special WEBINAR TRAINING where I will reveal a different, radically better path to creating a Lifestyle Practice that delivers everything you deserve and desire…

The Critical Keys to Unlocking Lifestyle Dental Practice Success

Join Me For The Live Practice Success Training Detailing: A 3-Step System to Deliver Life-Changing Care, Achieve Work-Life Balance, and Earn Difference-Making Profit

Thursday, August 8th 2024 at 8pm Eastern | Register For The Live Webinar…

The unambitious will cop out and say they are “good enough.” Yet, that’s falling victim to the trap of avoidance. It actually means you are good with experiencing, having, achieving even less than where you are at because there is no pause, no neutral, no staying the same in life. 

You are either growing or shrinking, succeeding or failing. Plateaus don’t remain flat for very long.

As we head “Back to School” over the next few weeks, we are not going to stop at reviewing the basics. Instead, we are going to start expanding your mindset, growing your deserve level, building your belief, and expanding your dreams by getting you to see a bigger, brighter, better future.

Once you define it, craft a plan to realize it, and prove to yourself it exists, you simply can’t help but achieve it, as the rest just falls into place.

We’ll start with my four pillars that will set you free in Dentistry and create a vehicle where all things are possible.

These four principles will set you free in life and that’s the realm of possibilities that makes everything else worthy of the pursuit.

Let this Weekly Report serve as your gut check for where you are settling in your life, in your practice, in your dentistry, in your health, and in your wealth.

Do some deep soul searching, stare at yourself in the mirror for awhile, take the magnifying glass to your life, pull out the crystal ball of the future you want to start moving towards. .

You will find this beyond liberating. You will find it inspiring, empowering, and ultimately motivating to drive you in greater desire than ever before.

Earning a Gold Medal in the Olympics is extraordinary because it only happens every 4 years. You, however, you can win a Gold Medal in your Life and Practice any time you’d like. Imagine standing on that podium and cementing a legacy that lasts beyond your lifetime.

If this speaks to you, then I’d invite you to join me for a very special live webinar…

The Critical Keys to Unlocking Lifestyle Success with Your Dental Practice

Your dental practice growth webinar with Scott J. Manning, MBA

Join Me For The Live Practice Success Training Detailing A 3-Step System to Deliver Life-Changing Care, Achieve Work-Life Balance, and Earn Difference-Making Profit

LIVE WEBINAR: Thursday, Aug 8th at 8pm

Join Scott virtually through Zoom where he’ll use his well-known notes and illustrations to share his most closely-guarded secrets and principles; enabling you to have a life you enjoy and a practice that delivers the financial rewards you deserve.


Scott J. Manning, MBA Helping your dental practice grow!

Scott J Manning, MBA