How To Comeback Stronger – Part 1

We thought this day would never come.  Yet, here it is.  Finally, it’s May!

As I write this the majority of our great country is finding some way to get back to work with most Dental Practices in America beginning to see patients within the next two weeks and nearly all Practices within the next 30 days.

Now, in case you missed it, I just released the most powerful video training series I’ve ever created.  I designed it for two purposes… first: to serve as your Practice Comeback Course of exactly what to do, how to think, and make the most of the unfortunate situation we’ve been in; and second: to ensure that you build your practice future on solid and profitable ground!  That’s why I’ve called it The Invincible Dental Practice.

You can get started now and supplement today’s report with even more re-opening strategies, resources, and content…

Open the Free 5-Part Video Training & Toolbox Now >>> 

Today, as promised, I want to turn our focus to some very specific things that you will want to do as you begin to reopen your practice and ideally before hand.

I’ve outlined over the past several weeks how to comeback into your practice organized, on track, and in a way that you are able to hit the ground running based on whatever you want your scheduled to look like.

At this point, I’ve heard from enough Doctors over the past few days to have a very good pulse on the situation and – as I expected – they aren’t having any trouble whatsoever filling the schedule.  

In fact, they have more patients that want in then time to see them, with some adding hygiene days not taking hygiene away.  They are experiencing patients that have pent up demand for treatment and they are having to prioritize who gets seen first, second third, week one, week two, and so on.

There seems to be a line of patients waiting for things they would have gotten done a month ago but couldn’t.  Which is a very good sign for you.

As I have been preaching since the beginning of my time here with you, day number one, the practice will always be a reflection of the Doctor.  The team’s attitude and the patients’ mindsets aren’t things out of your control or unable to be influenced.

It is quite the opposite.  They are always a representation of the Doctors mentality, attitude, and belief.  

Now more than ever, you need to lead by example.  If you commit to that then you will rebound quickly.

I know you’ve got a lot to do right now, so here are three quick things that I would strongly emphasize…

First up, it is important that you invest time into role-playing with your team.

This is something I have always encouraged and am hopeful that you have built into your monthly team training meetings.  Right now it takes on a whole different level of significance because we are dealing with unusual circumstances (not to mention the fact that no one has executed a full time practice with patient flow for several weeks).

What that means is you and them are probably a little rusty and at best case you are more apt to have some bad habits or miss out on important steps.

It is vital that everyone is not only on the same page and communicating effectively but also it’s essential that everyone is fully focused on staying true to your practice principles and philosophy by helping every patient in the most comprehensive way possible.

I would role-play safety protocols (all of them from front to back and back to front again).  Review procedures coupled with safety protocols as well as room turnover and everything else.  You can’t just talk about it or read over a checklist or guidelines – you have to practice.

Of course, you should go over phone calls and various patient questions that will come up from time to time.

All of the items that I gave you last week for your pre/re-open should be practiced with each other, not just taken for granted.

And then above all else – please – role play patient experience, diagnostics, triangles of trust, and treatment discussions to really get everyone’s mind sharp and focused.

The list goes on.  Each team member from every position should be responsible to go over their various roles and responsibilities.  You are doing a dress rehearsal with each other so you are ready for opening day.  It will be very effective and it is the best (and really only) way to prepared to begin seeing patients without fumbling around or making mistakes or worse missing opportunities.

Second, please ensure that charts are reviewed thoroughly.  That patients are contacted individually.  That the human element is alive and well.  This is why I have broken down patient categories and ask you to make a hierarchy (that is if your schedule is empty, which is very well might not be), of how to fill it and what patients to start with.

I’m sure you have a plan for your patients already.  Again, the key is to practice, be persistent, and divide and conquer.

Finally, because this is enough for a week and I’m confident that you’ve still got a long list of things to get done and do…

The next item on the list is similar to the items that have been on the list throughout the entire “Shutdown” – Patient Communication.

Do not stop the outreach of videos, of contact, of staying in touch.  You can’t see every patient tomorrow or even over the next 30 days.  In fact, you can’t see every patient that was cancelled or couldn’t come in over the next 30 days.  So you can’t just open your doors and go back to just focusing on the patients that are in front of you. 

If anything has been learned from the Coronavirus, it should be that relationship matters more than ever and that your patients want to hear from you.  They care about you – generally speaking – equal to the way in which you care about them.

You can leverage your team for this and you can use it to teach more about health or to introduce other procedures.

There you go.

Role-Play everything and really review all the health benefits and implications that Dentistry and your practice philosophy stand for.

Review every single patient and emphasize to your team just how essential you are to every one of them and talk through what you can do for each patient.

Keep communication and outreach going beyond just filling your schedule for the next two weeks.

You will fill your schedule easily, I have no doubt.  Most doctors saw enough emergencies to fill their first couple weeks with comprehensive work already as well as new patient exams.

The other thing is you can use this a great opportunity to leverage referrals and do not be bashful or afraid to ask.  People want to help their friends and family.  They are more cognizant of that than they have ever been in the past.  They want to share a positive thing with others… that’s You!

There you go.  You’ve got this.  It’s going to be great.  A powerful comeback is ahead of you because you will make it happen.

You and your team have an opportunity like never before to stand up for patients’ health, for how much dentistry matters to their lives, and for you to really take the lead on just how significant it is.

Next week, I want to take a deeper dive into what I suggest your theme should be going forward – perhaps forever – but certainly right now.  It’s called how to get MORE from LESS.

I’ll elaborate on that point and layout a strategy for you next week on exactly how to do it in your practice, with your team, your patients, your time, and your effort.

By the way, you don’t want to miss the very first video in my course that sets you up with the foundational principles that will help you reopen profitably.  You can start watching right here…

Watch Video #1 – The Invincible Dental Practice >>>