What motivates you to do your best?

It’s an interesting question that few often take the time to consider.

One of the greatest influences on me early on was listening to Zig Ziglar.  There are so many things that I still remember, now decades later.  I have internalized his cornerstones of positive attitude and taking of responsibility for outcomes.

Zig would say that most people are guilty of “stinkin’ thinkin’” and that they talk so poorly to themselves and others, no wonder people don’t often go out of their way to treat them nicely or do anything helpful.

I call it the boomerang effect.  Whatever you send out is coming back at you.  You can call it Karma or whatever you want.  Bottom line: you get to decide if Life is going to give you a big smack in the face or giant hug – by what you send out in the first place.

Another big lesson I never forgot was Zig talking about how temporary motivation is.  I’ve told you this right here several times before, but because it’s temporary it’s worth repeating.

Zig noted that, “People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing, that’s why we recommend it daily.”  Done once, it will fade.  It must be done again and again and again.

This repetition of Motivation must also come from within.  No one can give it to you.  It’s yours to own.

While it is absolutely essential, it is also absolutely a choice.  To be or not to be – MOTIVATED…

To listen.

To do well.

To be on time.

To follow through.

To care.

To be nice.

The list goes on.  Everything requires motivation; beginning with getting out of bed to looking your best every day both on the inside and out.

Motivation is a very personal thing.  Some are motivated because it’s engrained in their DNA and they can’t imagine doing anything but their best.  Others need a reason, a push or maybe even forced to go above and beyond.

You can be motivated to be more like the person you want to be or less like the person you don’t want to be.  Whatever makes you strive to achieve and do better for yourself.

There is a flip side to this coin and I would go so far as to say a double-edged sword that you have to be very aware of and walk a fine line.  We’ll talk about that and hit it head on next week.

For now, take some time to reflect.  Maybe you need to give yourself a pat on the back or cut yourself some slack.  Maybe you need to give yourself a kick in the pants or an attitude adjustment.

Whatever it is – you know – so deal with yourself accordingly.

Without your own personal motivation, you’re lifeless and in the way of others trying to do things.  If you’ve lost yours and want to get it back, don’t hesitate to ask for help.  Your day time family is here for you, I know this, you know this.

If you’ve got your motivation locked in, then take advantage of it.  Wear it on your face, share your energy with others, lead by example and be proud of the person you are.

We are all human and from time to time motivation will ebb and flow.  When it wanes, you really have to dig down and remember the positives in life.  Don’t be too hard on yourself and get back to your core values.  Give yourself permission to make mistakes and to forgive and forget others for theirs.

Anything blocking your motivation is going to hold you back.  Find it, fix it, get ‘you’ back.  You’re too important; there are a lot of people depending on you – most of all yourself.

They say when the going gets tough, the tough get going.  They do that by having enough positive motivation and reasons why to push through to make the most of every situation.

Hey, you’re special, so keep being you.  And replenish your motivation every day because life’s hard enough and without it no one stands a chance to be their best.