There’s nothing like a built-in deadline to make things happen faster than they might otherwise. So, I’m coming to you with another actionable Huddle this week to help you make the most of the remaining days of 2021 and more importantly make 2022 your best year yet. Now, this will come as no surprise to you… Read more »
Posts Categorized: Huddle
The Act Of Being Thankful
Is there another phrase that can put life into perspective like this one? This week, we are given a day to reflect on, be grateful for, and give thanks for all that we have (people, places, opportunities, health, and bounty of all kinds and all things). As I will reference in many places ‘this time… Read more »
How To Be A Likable Leader
I’m about to tell you the secret to achieving your grandest practice ambitions – and it has nothing to do with dentistry. It’s an important topic as we continue our month of gratitude and appreciation. The truth is, everything you want to achieve depends on other people. Nothing of great significance will ever happen all by yourself. … Read more »
The Surest Way To Fall Short Of Your Goals
Well, we’ve turned the corner into the home stretch of the year and I know you can see the light at the end of the tunnel right through the Holidays and the busyness of the year-end. But, hold your horses. It’s not over and it’s important to make every day count by not losing your focus… Read more »
The Most Frightening Thing Of All
Fresh off of Halloween Night, I want to wrap up our themed Huddle series before we shift our focus to the significance of the next couple months and year end goals to finish strong. I’ve saved the scariest for last. It’s something that haunts every person in some way at some point in their lives. The… Read more »