Why You’ll Read This Monday Huddle

Tis the season – finally – in a year where so much has been unprecedented, challenging, and tragic.  It has been difficult enough to just stay focused on the positive and keeping your wits about you when there is always something around the corner that could be considered another setback.

You have your kids and school, caring for elderly parents, patients canceling, team members in quarantine, grieving lost friends and family – all among a long list of other struggles.  

And yet you show up day after day to do worthy work, contribute to your team, make a difference for your patients, and live out your purpose.

Good for you for hanging in there, sticking together, and persevering through it all.  Each and every one of you deserve tremendous accolades and gratitude.

I was simply blown away by the powerful and moving feedback from last week’s Huddle and the in-depth team engagement with my three questions.  This week, I want to take it a step further and dive in with more specifics around how your Team has developed, evolved, and become even stronger in 2020.

There are a few explanations why readers, Teams and Doctors alike, of my Monday Morning Huddle are still thriving and performing above just good enough, above industry standards, and certainly above average – in every single way.

Of course, it’s not without difficulty and sometimes extreme circumstances to contend with and battle through.  None the less, there are lots of reasons why you have made this year one to remember with so many uplifting stories and positive outcomes for you and your patients.

I know because it requires people with ambition to want to not just get by but to keep improving and to care enough to pursue excellence when everyone else is just settling for survival.  As others lower their expectations to match the circumstances, you rise to the occasion and commit to conquering it all.

The difference between the outcomes you experience compared to that of others less determined is first and foremost in your decision not to succumb and give into these variables.  You refuse to let them become excuses.

There are always excuses available but that doesn’t mean you have to accept them.  This is true even while others seek them out (it’s easier than what is required to win no matter what).

This week, I really want you to take a moment and reflect back on this year.  Take inventory of the positive, the lessons learned, the things you’ve achieved individually, and the triumphs you celebrated together.  Then, most importantly, I want you to ponder this question… How?

How did you manage to come this far together, to keep serving your patients, to stay steadfast in your purpose?  

Resist the temptation to focus on the challenges and problems.  Instead, focus on what you’ve done to get to where you are now with just a few weeks left in this year.  It is important to recognize but not resent all that you’ve been through.

As we so often talk about and I constantly reinforce, you get more of what you focus on most.  That’s why this kind of positive awareness is so valuable.

It’s also why you are smart to be here in our Dental Success Today Universe because we feed you with the positive and give you what you need most when you need it (even if you aren’t quite ready to hear it).  

We force your attention to the actions, activities, meetings, discussions, and opportunities that will lead to the greatest growth.  And not just the growth of your practice.  Should you accept it, it is the growth that comes from each and every member of the team.

You show up here because you are willing to put in the effort to succeed.  And when you ‘do the work’ you will always win.  It’s just a matter of knowing which ‘work’ is most critical at the time in order to take you from where you to where you want to end up.

You’re almost through this year but it’s not over yet.  Let’s commit to finishing strong by focusing on what got you here.  Remember, your decision of where you put your focus and what you decide will be your outcome will always have more power than any circumstances you face.  You’ve made it this far, now you just need to keep going.  

Stay undeterred in your pursuit of excellence and do not stop being the very best version of yourself.  I know you will, it’s why you read this Monday Huddle, because that’s simply who you’ve decided to be.