Help Me Ring In The New Year

Welcome to the New Year!  But, it’s already not all that new anymore, now is it.  For some of you this is your first day back and others you’ve got a day or two under your belt.  Either way, the first week of the year has almost elapsed.  Oh, how time is fleeting.

Many people (if you can believe this) are already looking forward to the next holiday or chance to take a vacation.  Here’s what I hope for you: that you are just looking forward to every day and truly taking it a day at a time to enjoy life.

Far too many people get in the habit of wishing their lives away instead of savoring the moments and enjoying the journey.  Time waits for no one and it moves faster than any of us can truly appreciate or grasp.  

So, plan for the future of course but for goodness sake don’t wish for any one day to end faster than it already is going to.  That is the best way to end up nowhere you want to be and get there faster than you want.

Today, I have a different question for you than usual… and I will get to it in just a couple seconds more.

Over the Holidays, we are very fortunate to receive amazing comments, words of praise, and expressions of gratitude from so many.  Thank you.  While we do try to respond to every one individually, we sure aren’t perfect about it.  Please know we cherish each and every one reading this right now.  We can’t thank you enough for your support and the motivation you give us.

The most common and most exciting comments that we receive aren’t dental related or practice focused or about patients or anything else – they are about you.  They are about the influence that our philosophies, teachings, trainings, and everything we together have had.  Remember, it is ALL of us together – we can’t be us without you.

The messages were in some form about how what we do is about more than just dentistry and dollars; in fact, that’s the least of what it is really.  The more you know that, believe that, embrace that the far greater the impact we can have and the value we can bring to you personally and professionally.  So, thank YOU!

Now, to my question, I know that you know best.  I know that you know what you need most.  Every team and practice uses these differently (you might print this off to pass around, read it as a group, start your Huddles with a thought of the day, or study relevant Morning Huddles to use them as team activity).  It makes no difference to us.  We just want you to make them count.

With that said, I am curious: what do you want more of?

If you could say to me, “Scott, the perfect Monday Morning Huddle that we can’t possibly hear enough is…”  What would that be?

How can I make these weekly messages more relevant, helpful, or beneficial for you?

You can answer for yourself or you can answer knowing what other team members need to hear more of.

I would love to hear from you about this.  I’ll use your feedback to shape the start to our new year and make the most of the amazing privilege you give to me to start your week through these Monday Morning Huddles.

You can reply back to this email with your answers, requests, and feedback.

Now, let’s make 2020 count week by week, day in and day out, with every patient you touch.  As always, it first begins with you!