How To Make Dentistry Matter To Your Patients

As we discussed last week, if you want to move your patients forward with their dentistry and health – you first have to move them forward with their mind and vision, both real and imagined.

This is why the use of photographs is critical but still not enough because the use of photographs sells only half of the idea to the patients.  It conveys and illustrates to them what “is” or what “isn’t” – it makes it real and it allows them to buy into their current state of health.

However, if we stop there, it doesn’t mean that the patient will be motivated to do anything.  They will be aware that they should do something but in this case awareness will only get you so far.

Acknowledging a problem is different from someone’s willingness and desire to do something about it… especially when it comes to their money.

Now, that is what the future vision is for.  That is why you must use the crystal ball to bring to life the benefits in the most tangible way possible of what their results and outcomes will be like when they take action on and invest in their health.

Of course, it depends if we are talking about a one tooth problem or a full mouth reconstruction or airway or replacing a denture or fixing a bridge or gum disease.  The context of every patients ‘state of health’ is different and the solution for what you or they consider ‘optimal’ may also be different.

Your mission is to be on a path of discovery and guide the patients on a journey from where they are now to where they deserve to be in as vivid and engaging detail as possible.  This will help them to understand the urgency and elevate the significance of your treatment plan.

I can’t possibly over emphasize this concept.  You cannot stop at presenting problems.  You must go forward into the future in order to present solutions and outcomes.  You can do even better than this when you attach consequences and reasons why to the problems (or current state of health) and attach benefits and long term health advantages to solutions.  This makes it real to your patients.

Today, I simply want you to dig deeper into last week’s discussion and commit to putting this one statement into action with every patient you see, talk to and care for…

TELL THE WHOLE STORY… by being complete with your discussion, education, presentation, engagement, diagnosis, treatment planning and outcomes.

From phone call to follow-through and everything in between, this applies to every team member, every area, every process, every system and every part of the patient experiences within your practice.

Next week, we’ll go there as I begin to break down some very important and often not talked about critical points that will result in you having more influence over your patients.

Remember, tie together patient goals with your practice philosophy to the current state of health.  This is achieved by finishing the conversation, using lots of questions and looking into the crystal ball to take them where they deserve to go on your patients pathway to health.  No matter how complete the treatment plan, diagnosis and patient experience is – if the ‘stories’ in the patients’ minds aren’t vivid and the vision isn’t meaningful enough… it won’t matter.

Every week what we are really talking about is that right there.  How to make it (dentistry) matter.  And I can’t think of anyone better than you to do that for your patients.  That’s what it’s all about.

Keep up the amazing work!