[Part 5] The Entrepreneurial Dentist: Evolution of A Championship Team

Last week, I told you how important it is to build your practice from the inside out.  This is because it is the only way to CONTROL every aspect of your business as a whole.

True Entrepreneurial Dentists follow my structure for reverse engineering their practice as a business in the same way that you reverse engineer a treatment plan for your patients’ mouths.  Begin with the end in mind and work it backwards to where the patient’s mouth is at right now.

Inside out allows you to do that without having to manage all of the external variables.  This doesn’t mean you don’t market and it doesn’t mean you don’t do things outside the four walls of your practice.

It means that, as an Entrepreneurial Dentist, you mitigate the variables that produce sporadic cash flow and unpredictable ups-and-downs in production by building a stable practice on foundational business principles.

There is nothing more important and more significant to the stability of your practice than your team.

They are and always will be your greatest investment (not expense).  If done properly, the entrepreneurial way, then you will be able to evolve into a professionally developed championship team that will carry you to victory day in and day out and ensure you grow in a healthy way year over year.

Remember this: as the Doctor – YOU ARE OUT NUMBERED.  While your impact on the practice, your patients and your income will always be greater than anyone else’s, you still have a decision to make.  You can do it the hard way (the ‘normal’ dentist way) or the easy way (the entrepreneurial dentist way).

And that is by GROWING the professional abilities and the personal development skills of your Team.

Because they are with the patients more than you are.

Because they reach every single area of the practice.

Because they deserve to have an actual real professional career.

The normal dentist way is what we call the trickle-down effect.  This is all the information going to the doctor and then he/she trickles it down to the team; never ever making any type of lasting impact on the team as people or on their performance as professionals.

Instead, you want to treat your team as valuable as yourself when it comes to education, exposure, opportunities and responsibilities.  An overall philosophy of having a championship team is one that requires practice and dedicated time for ongoing development; no different than any other type of team.

This is exactly why I have built a team to serve your team and I am here to serve you – because if you want to grow the practice you must commit to growing the people inside.

The entrepreneurial dentists don’t want the feeling of creativity, the energy of ambition, the overall spirit of prosperity and the desire to help patients get healthy to stop at them.

It is every single person’s responsibility who is paid by the practice to help the practice grow profitability as a business.  That means every team member must have the entrepreneurial spirit and be given the opportunity and resources to use it for their position.

Nothing makes dentistry more fun than a team that knows how to win.

I’ll leave you with this (as noted in the title)…

Everything must evolve.

If you are the same as you have always been, you are actually losing ground.  If your practice looks identical to the way it did, if your team members skills are the same, if anything is as it has been for decades then you are not only stagnant but in decline.

The Entrepreneurial Dentists have principles that guide their decisions (something we will talk about very soon) and they have a strong identity of who they are and what they want – while at the same time always improving and evolving themselves, their teams and their business as a whole.

Dentists as Entrepreneurs don’t just do one thing and they aren’t just one man or one woman shows.  They are developing real business assets that, like any other entity, must be ever-changing to reach its full potential.

That is what dentistry is really supposed to be all about.