Practice Luck Factor #3 (of 7)

It’s great to hear you are embracing the Luck Factor of Expectations.  Your thoughts are boomerangs and, once coupled with actions to back them up, you are unstoppable towards your goals in and out of your office.

So, let’s talk about one aspect of taking action.  There is nothing that embodies the word “action” (when it comes to working together to achieve goals), more so than…


Without communication it is nearly impossible to get anything done as a team or when you’re helping other people.  Sure, if your goals are personal (say eating healthier), then you don’t have to talk much about it.  However, the bigger the goal, the larger the ambition – the more people it takes to achieve it.

Today, we are focusing on the verbiage you use when communicating with others.  Of course, there is as much power in ‘nonverbal’ communication too, which we’ll have to save for another time.

I could also add communicating with yourself.  Do you remember our Huddle about POSITIVE SELF TALK?  Track it down and read it, study it, live it and even teach it to your kids.  Positive Self Talk is communication and the verbiage you use with yourself; wrapped into last week’s Luck Factor of Expectations and you have a winning formula that will not fail you.

Now, we talk about verbiage with your Patients and with each other quite often because this is where the magic happens.  The words you speak, and the manner in which you do, will either move people towards or away from you; it will either give you influence or distrust.  You have the power to motivate and compel other people to do amazing things for themselves by making great decisions… that takes words.

I will tell you a little inside baseball…

You won’t find many people in life who are successful (aside from maybe technology geniuses sitting at a computer all day coding), who will not attribute a great deal of their success to their ability to communicate, to influence others, to motivate and to garner trust.  This is being able to lead other people forward for mutual benefit with their words.

I would say words are NOT considered deeply enough in any industry, perhaps especially dentistry.  You can imagine what I’m talking about.

Every aspect of what you do requires skillful communication…



Check In

Check Out


Introductions to Doctor

Handoffs to Each Other

Discussion of Problems


Treatment Presentation

Money and Insurance

Asking for referrals

The list is nearly endless.  Yes, you can have systems and strategies to follow, but you ultimately will always rely on your words.

I would like for you to assess your communication and the verbiage used for your particular position.  Ask yourself: where is it not positive enough, where is it not compelling enough, where is it not personalized enough?

In what way can your words work against you to derail the outcome you desire?  In what way can your words help others reach their full potential?

Please consider this and talk opening with your team about how you can bring more luck into your practice by having more deliberate and well thought out verbiage.

Go around your team and let each person share from their perspective.  This is your chance to really elevate your communication skills and turn your verbiage into your good luck charms.

Here’s a tip to get you started… nothing is better than truth, transparency and sincerity.