The Winner’s Mentality

Thank you for the great feedback last week.  I love it when you take a message and really run with it.  Some certainly do it better than others and that’s what separates the Champions.

It is always so very interesting to me that the most successful Doctors, Teams, and Practices always strive to get the most out of everything and anything.  They find exactly what they need at the very right moment they need it (even while outsiders think they’ve got it all figured out).

The reason is very simple because they are always on edge to keep their edge.  They know it’s either forward progress or backward decline every single day.

Therein lies their secret to consistently wining: working to stay out ahead even when you are already leading.

This is my whole Future Focused Mentality brought to life, not just a way of thinking but a way of doing, a way of executing, a way of creating.  You can’t wait for things to go wrong or until you get behind to act.

Of course, the opposite it also true.  The Doctors, Teams, and Practices that become too confident are the ones that are never free of drama and angst as they ride the never-ending morale roller coasters that swings with the daily moods because they are never looking in the mirror to find the problems, challenges, and opportunities.

They believe they are “too good” for these type of messages and yet they are the ones who need them the most, as you already know.  You know ‘those’ patients, friends, and family members too.  

They wouldn’t know a breakthrough or a good idea if it hit them in the face because they displace all responsibility for outcomes whether management, leadership, morale, turnover, patient flow, communication, case acceptance, or insert any significant leverage point.

Winners own outcomes.  They want results and that means they want accountability.  Winners thrive off of the chance to take responsibility because they want to do amazing things with it.

Last week, we talked about winning just feels better, the taste of victory, the pride for a job well done, a difficult situation conquered, or an opportunity seized.  

Your confidence grows by persevering through challenges that are not easy but are worthy.  Any of them could be neglected but instead you rise up, step up, and level up your commitment to success by finding a way to win.

That’s what winners do.  They’ll leave the excuses (which there are always plenty), for anyone else who prefers them to victory.

One more thing I wanted to add to our discussion of the winning play book from last week… Why not just tell patients (something I’ve been advocating for and teaching for years and years) what a win is for them in your eyes and what it should be in theirs.  

If you give the patients the winning playbook for their health and not keep it a secret or leave it up to a itemize list of clinical transactions with price tags attached to them – you’d be surprised by how many of them would make much better decisions about their health instead of leaving behind a bunch of excuses.

That’s really the key point: what are all the things that must happen, must be conveyed, must be experienced, must be part of your patient’s playbook in order to win?

We are going to flip back over to the “how not to lose” conversation next week and dig a little deeper in the points of self-doubt, shortcuts taken, and sabotage that interferes – most often unintentional – that diminish outcomes, prevent victories, and limit your success.

For this week, check in with yourself, keep your head held high but your nose to the grindstone.  Humble yourself to that championship mentality – that presence and awareness that real leaders have over themselves and everyone else around them.  It requires a clear head, a focused mind, a positive attitude, and a deep commitment to showing up to win every single day.