So what happens when you have a bad day or when someone’s attitude is just not that great? How do you work as a team, keep each other on track, heads up, smiling faces, and positive energy all-the-time?
For starters, you always begin the way you want to finish. Strong. Happy. Focused.
The reason the Morning Huddle is so important is not because of details throughout the day – which changes as you know – rather it’s because you want everyone to walk in, wake up and be on point for the day.
I often use the analogy “empty your bucket” (or brain depending on how you look at it). Here’s a little exercise for you, right now, stop whatever you are doing and make a list…an actual list, go ahead and jot down the answers to the following question…
What is everything you are thinking about right now?
And I really like doing it as the first thing in the morning. I ask Team Members to tell me everything you thought about from the moment you woke up, alarm went off, until the moment you walked into the Practice and began to see your first patient.
The list is, as anyone would think, a variety of worries, anticipations, plans for kids, the food, errands, thing weighing on their mind.
This list – no matter how trivial – clutters up your ability to focus, be present with patients, and aware of your team throughout the day. If you do not take time to reset, clear your mind, organize your thoughts, and set your attitude towards the positive then you are risking running into problems throughout the day.
These problems could be the simplest things, someone saying something that upsets you; or most likely you being mentally distracted and missing something, making a mistake, or just not having the attention that is necessary to wow every patient and ensure you succeed for your outcomes and goals of the day.
I can’t emphasize enough, the whole ‘attitude’ beginning by being aware and choosing to be proactive and responsible for your feelings. Our expert Personal Development Master and my Associate who takes care of our Team Members and Practice Champions ends every message with this…
“Choose to be extraordinary”
And such is the way with your attitude for the day – a choice.
As the leader, here are the things to help facilitate a positive environment that lead to daily breakthroughs, using attitudes that serve as catalysts for success:
1 – A common goal, mission, purpose, focus for your team
2 – Inspiration in their work
3 – Challenges to overcome and skills to develop
4 – Motivation for rewards and incentives to do well
5 – And above all else, a mindset of positive reinforcement, appreciation and gratitude for dedication, performance, and contribution of all team members
When you ensure these exist in your team dynamic, combined with setting the attitude compass everyday and emptying your ‘mind’ every morning, you will always cultivate the best out of your people and therefore your patients.
Your patients are a reflection of your attitude…your team’s performance a mirror image of your focus and responsibility. Everything impacts everything else. Everyone influences everyone else. That’s why working on and choosing your ‘attitude’ is never ending; it is a moment-by-moment act you must conquer.
Next week…we turn our focus to leverage, little ways to make a big difference.