Let me be clear. I love ‘big’ Practices when they are done right. I am a great advocate, strategist, and creator of Associate Based Dentistry. Yet, I don’t care how many ops you have, you can be ‘small’ and be big and dumb in your operational methods or you can be ‘big’ and be small and strategic in your operational methods.
You know by now my approach is specific to the Doctors’ visions and goals for themselves and their Practice. Big or small, it has to be on purpose.
So when I pick a battle with “big” practices let me tell you what I’m talking about.
Dentists or organizations dependent on, and at the mercy of, insurance companies so much so that it compromises the patients’ health. I’m against people who make price their only competitive advantage instead of service, quality, real legitimate care over the people you serve.
It’s not that I hate the idea of ‘big’ practices – I hate what the idea of ‘big’ practices have done to the Small Practice Dentist.
I have, as my private clients, some of the biggest, most profitable, largest new patient number practices in the country that are all independently owned – I don’t work with and never will, the corporatized dentistry or big box insurance-driven volume-based dental mills – I stand by the small business dentist 1000%.
And I’m here to tell you why You are the future of dental care and why the Small Practice Revolution is upon us.
I know this because I see it, live it, and absolutely create it every single day. I can tell you this, my independent Dentists who would consider themselves ‘small’ are the most profitable, the most well balanced and they out earn any multi-doctor ‘large’ practice operator that I know, at least two to one at their peak.
Sure they have to do more dentistry, but they are ‘small’ Associate Models that work beautifully, profitably and are just right for many types of independent dentists.
Here’s the thing, looking at hour for hour (worked, hands in the mouth) all that matters are three things: did you enjoy it – was it on your own terms – and how much money did you put in YOUR (not your practice’s) bank account to further your own personal, family, and life ambitions; using your Practice as vehicle to drive you further along your own journey.
Here’s my intention and I want to be blatant, transparent, direct and bold with you – I want to debunk all the stupid rumors, myths and brainwashing BS that has been spouted in every nook and cranny of our great industry since the bust in 2008, maybe even before.
For nearly 10 years it has been all about how to smash the little guy or girl and conglomerate the people who have no passion or heart in dentistry to make it all about the money, all about volume, all about leveling the playing field, socializing, maybe even communizing Dentistry by letting Insurance Companies, Discount Dental Clinics, and other ‘insider’ groups take control and tell you what to do, who to do it with, and how much you can charge in the process.
If I must shout at the top of my lungs “Other Dentists like you are NOT the enemy it’s all of these other people, organizations, and entities that are.”
There have even been so called allies of the industry, Groups of Dentists themselves who have risen up like some Super Pac and promised great things and then turned their back on those who made it all possible in the first place.
You know what I’m talking about…DD…ring a bell and by the way only in Dentistry would that trigger the thought of an insurance company and not something else.
C’mon. You just can’t trust anybody. Not their intentions and not what they promise and certainly not someone that is trying to change who you are, what you want, and why you want it.
Remember – it is NOT about how much money you make (doing that is not hard, making money, really, pretty easy if you know what you are doing, get out of your own way, and let opportunity happen) … it’s about HOW you make the money.
What do you have to give up, sacrifice, fight through, put up with, accomplish – what do you have to trade in time, energy, life, health, money – to get the return, experience, joy, peace of mind, wealth, and practice growth that you deserve.
That is the question, the only question that matters.
Over the next 2 weeks I’m going to debunk every myth about ‘small’ Practices and I’m going to lay the groundwork, give you the foundation, and show you the way to create, instigate and explode your practice by following my Small Practice Revolution Formula.
It’s plateau breaking, profit shattering, satisfaction fulfilling and above all else – fun; as it should be.
Oh and in case you are wondering, by small, I don’t mean in money, or really even in size, I mean in operations, not complicated.
I have lifestyle models with 2 ops, 4 ops, 6 ops, 8 ops, 10+…I have ‘small’ Practices doing $2, $3, $4 even $5 or $6 million dollars…all because they didn’t give in or give up control over the integrity of their Practice.
They built their own little personal empires inside of a bubble where they are king or queen, where they do the Dentistry they love, where they get paid what they are worth and where they have the team that they deserve. All the while enjoying the fruits of the labor of dentistry that should come with the life changing care you provide your Patients.
Have no fear – the revolution is here – big money from a small practice – take more home working fewer hours – seeing less patients – than you ever thought possible – it’s true, it happens, and it can happen for you.
The 8 breakthroughs to get there begin next week.
From this point forward never let anyone ever tell you just because you choose a ‘small’ practice model doesn’t mean you have to settle for ‘small’ dentistry and you damn sure don’t have to settle for ‘small’ income.
Join the Priority VIP List for Ambitions Dentists who want to experience the Small Practice Revolution first hand – email your name and address to info@DentalSuccessToday.com … This life altering practice transforming blueprint will be unveiled on St. Patrick’s Day next Month!