Dentistry: Two Realities – Choose Yours

There are two realities about being a practice owner that you get to choose from…

1st  Allow it to be limiting

2nd Engineer it to be liberating

Funny isn’t, how the exact same thing built, managed and ran can have the most opposite of outcomes, all depending on this one choice.

This is what ‘business’ is all about.

Of course, you can make a great living being a dentist, no question about it.  Heck, your team members can also make more doing what they do than just about anything else they could choose.

The question though is at what cost do you operate your practice.

This cost is not from rent and electric bills, not from equipment or supplies, or even people.  It’s the cost… to you…

To your health.

To your family.

To your peace of mind.

To your other passions and interests.

You hear me say time and time again that Dentistry is a vehicle (at least it is supposed to be), to take you wherever you want to go.

No matter how much money you make… and I want you to make as much as humanly possible because you deserve it and because it means you are changing lives of the people you serve (if you are here then I know you are doing dentistry the right way, so I can confidently say that).

No matter how much you make we have to look at three things:

1. Do you enjoy it, are you having fun, feeling fulfilled and invigorated clinically?

2. Is it on your own terms with a balanced lifestyle and schedule?

3. Do you have anything to show for it when it’s all said and done?

In other words, does it really get to where you are going in style and on time?

You know those airplane rides that get you where you were headed but were so darn bumpy or turbulent you couldn’t sleep, or maybe you’ve owned a clunker of a car in your life that wasn’t so reliable but it got you where you wanted to go, most of the time.

There are lots of vehicles to take you somewhere, some more preferable than others.  In business, as the esteemed owner of your dental practice, you get to choose the vehicle, the speed, the path, the passengers, heck even the color.  But most of all… you get to choose the destination!

And that my friend is the key to a career of great significance.  It’s about having somewhere this thing is taking you that you actually want to end up, doing what you love along the way and being at your very best so you have complete fulfillment.

In dentistry, compared to other professions, this isn’t so hard because you can create leverage through so many options.  You get to choose your own adventure, team members, patients, type of dentistry and how and when you want to work.  You even choose how much you get paid.

Only real professional business owners get to wake up every single day and decide how much they want their lives to be worth, their days to be valued at and (as long as you work backwards to build the demand to support your objectives) it will happen.

Which brings me to the special report I have been talking about for weeks.  I’m finally finished.  Don’t wait, click below right now.  This is my gift to you, a little spring cleaning of your brain, de-cluttering of your life, and a real serious assessment of your practice as the vehicle and your goals as destination.

Grab Your Copy of This Special Report >>>

This is the key to take total control over the success in your life and practice.  Now is the time for you to get what you want out of all that you have done, built, sacrificed, worked, studied and invested so much.  Finally, you can tap the unlimited potential that practice ownership (that is you as a business not just as a dentist), was designed for you to achieve.

And best of all, I’ll be your guide along the way.  I’ll see you inside.  Get ready and let’s go make it happen.

Grab Your Copy of This Special Report >>>