Getting The Dentistry You Want and Your Patients Deserve

It is always surprising to me that so many Doctors “take what they get” instead of designing an experience, practice and message to cultivate what they want.

Everyone wants to believe that patients are different, that you get what your population gives you.  I have to tell you, give or take an implants or dentures, scaling or surgery, you can find whatever dentistry you want to do in every city in America.

The question is: are you doing anything about it or just taking what falls in your lap?

Last week, we talked about your business model and lifestyle structure when it comes to reverse engineering.  I shared that the true and only secret to business success is control, deliberate creation and the decision to work backwards into the most appropriate style of operation for you.

One that invigorates you to wake up and get out of bed to run (not walk), into the office to stand proud with your head up voice strong and look into the eyes of your patients (and your team) to declare your conviction and belief in what you are doing to help other people.

You have to lead, but not just the few minutes in the treatment room…

You have to lead with your mission, your message, your materials, your vision, your language, your team, your diagnosis and your education.

You have to live your clinical vision, not just preach it.

This week, I would like to ask you a few questions and have you reflect on them in the next phase of development of your reverse engineering…

1st – Is your patient experience one that represents your clinical beliefs…does it exemplify your training and your idea of how important oral health and dentistry is in the lives (not just the mouths) of your patients?

What could be better, how could you do more?  What about more time, more attention, more testimonials, more education, more proof?

2nd – Is your team representing your passionate purpose and ultimate benefits to your patients (the mastery you possess in your clinical skills and priorities of health for your patients)?

Are they your biggest and strongest advocates?  Educators?  Salespeople?  Or are they just normal ordinary people doing their jobs going through the motions?

No legitimate professional should have to sell themselves (at least not like that) or justify their existence; no – the experience, the team, the people, every part of the process should lead the way and pave the path for you.

3rd – If you were critiquing your own experience, your own exam, your own team, your own personal engagement with your patients – what would you suggest to yourself?  How could it all be better?

So much better that no one person has to do the heavy lifting but all pieces and people act as the rising tide to the overall objective of comprehensive and complete case acceptance on total full mouth treatment plans.  So much better that everyone follows the doctor’s orders at the fee and investments appropriate for what you do, who you are, how you have sacrificed, advanced, developed, evolved, invested in your own career.

A few tips…

More patient testimonials and pictures around the office.

More opportunities for proof and the 3 P’s.

More training with your team.

More mastery over verbiage.

More time with the doctor.

I could go on.  Here’s the point: everything I have mentioned today and everything you are thinking either moves patients towards the clinical outcome you want or away from it.

You see, even your dentistry, your treatment planning, your case acceptance, your schedule of production every single day is far more up to you (if you choose to reverse engineer it properly), than it is up to the mouths of your patients.

It’s all a matter of perspective.  Dentistry, as you know, is there if you are willing to set up a system, a business experience, a practice structure and a patient educational approach that will lead to what you want and what they need and deserve.

This week, don’t just think about this – do something about it.  Assess yourself and all other parts of everything and everyone going on around you.  Then design and engineer it to be a success.