Here’s How to Actually Work Smarter, Not Harder

So many people love to talk about working smarter and not working harder but they just talk about it. They don’t actually do it. Some do not even think it is possible.

It is; especially for you and your team.

In fact, you will be surprised to know that the fastest way to growth and increasing your daily production, collections, new patients and all the things that matter – have nothing to do with trying to cram more people into your day or working longer hours or anything else.

Everyone is always surprised when I help them reduce their hours or clinical days, and then all of the sudden they start making more money, filling the schedule more easily and more effectively managing patients because there becomes less room for error and less supply of time which directly drives up the value and the ability to earn more.

There are a lot of ways to grow that have nothing to do with more volume.

Additionally, when some days are more stressful than others, it is only going to worsen the problem and the stress by adding in more and more and more patients.

That is why I’m hosting the most advanced ‘work smarter not harder’ training I have ever put together and it’s going to be on January 31st.

You can get the details about it and register for it right here…

Save Your Seat for the Live Webcast Training on Tues., Jan 31st >>>

If you are going to commit to making 2017 better than any year in the past, it would make sense to focus on leveraging all the work, team, systems, assets of your practice that you already have.

Recently I reminded everyone about the fallacy of always trying to find something “new” to do in the new year. If you are reading this you are already amazing and “new” is not what you need. Instead, you want “more, better, faster.” You want to improve what exists and grow your practice without growing your stress.

This happens when we focus on the leverage points of the practice and we make certain that we are maximizing everything… so you can work less and not as hard, so you can get more out of your days for each and every team member and patient and thus everyone wins.

The presentation is going to cover the 5 specific keys that are going to help you unlock the hidden opportunity, treatment and money in your practice.

Once you see how easy these 5 keys can be put into action for you and you realize the daily benefit to taking advantage of these hidden opportunities, lost treatment, and found money inside of each area of your practice, you are going to celebrate the new year all over again because you will be on the fast track to getting more out of the same or even less effort.

And best of all, each of these things provides a win for your practice, team, doctor and patients!

I figure this is the best way to culminate the first month of 2017, by hand delivering to you everything you need to know, have and do for guaranteed success in 2017 right out of the gate.

Register right here and get ready for Big Breakthroughs and to have a lot more fun working smarter, not harder in your practice every day.

Register Now and Unlock the Hidden Opportunity in Your Practice >>>
