Holiday Gifts You Don’t Have To Wait On

I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving Holiday Weekend full of familiar traditions. I also hope you work hard to keep your year from just falling into the same old routine. The calendar, I have always seen as a gift, a tool, a motivator, but it is also the enemy if you let it rule your life. Plan your life fine, determine it in advanced – a losing proposition.

It’s easy to be complacent, that takes no work at all. It’s the opposite of complacency where success is found: proactive action, strategic execution, relentless effort and never ending improvement.

In other words, striving to make the most of everything in your life and practice every day. That includes doing relaxing, resting, vacationing, enjoying hobbies and of course making the most of your time with your family.

The point is this, routine just like the calendar can be a blessing or a curse. It can be a resourceful tool providing structure for achieving or it can be a default mode of monotony. And the result is plateaued stagnation, loss of focus and going backwards instead of forwards.

Pretty much any lack of results or progress comes from this. Never forget that it begins and ends with you. Your expectations, your attitude and your actions will set the tone for your team. The key is always to lead by example. That is the only way respect and inspiration occur which are the foundational requirements for another human to do anything effectively, willingly and consistently for those they serve.

I’ve reminded you of two gifts already that you have – the calendar and your routine. I hope you are using them wisely and that they are not using you.

However, the greatest gifts you have are those you already possess and they can and must be used on a moment by moment basis in order to do justice for your life’s work, purpose and passion.

If there were one overriding problem in every practice (to a greater or lesser degree), that once fixed would lead to dramatic breakthroughs, unprecedented case acceptance and financial achievement it is this:

The doctor gives up his/her influence.

You fail to use your gifts.

Now this can be for a lot of reasons, each one is individual and personal to you.

Some lack confidence.
Some think they are above it.
Some don’t believe in it.
Some don’t want to give up their excuse of everything being their team’s fault.
Some don’t want to give up their excuse that it’s the patient’s responsibility.
Some don’t know how.

Mostly it’s the first one…but few are willing to admit it.

A whole lot of doctors like to say they don’t want to ‘sell’ or ‘deal with the money’ and that too is a pathetic answer. If you don’t want to be accountable for your own revenue and profitability perhaps you should either take a salary as a dentist and give the rest to the team, or go get a job.

You don’t have to necessarily be the one who asks the patient how they intend to pay or even what the investment it; but it is absolutely your responsibility to ensure what you are doing is actually working. That you are effective at getting case acceptance, patients are saying ‘yes’ or ‘no’ to you even if they are not saying it to your face. Own up, if you want to earn up.

Understand your gifts are as follows…

1. You have the most influence of anyone in your practice, you are the doctor, diminish that reality at your own demise

2. You have the greatest clinical understanding of the short and long term health implications and personal benefits of your patients’ decisions

3. The patients’ investments in their health affects you and them more than anyone else in your practice, avoid your responsibility and it’s not either you or the patient who lose but both

4. Your genuine personality and dental mission and philosophy are your greatest strengths and show authenticity

There are many more I could give you and of course you have others that are personal to your own uniqueness. Being yourself is and will always be the best chance you’ll have at success.

If anyone in this industry tries to tell you to be different than who you are, they are misleading and manipulating you. All great professionals have their own style and approach which should work to their strengths and preferences to build a business around them.

This is the strategy I have always taken and why we get such dramatic results provided the doctor embraces everything I have just outlined in this report.

There is more to talk about on this topic and some things you can do to work on your own ability to influence next week.

This week, I have two additional gifts to give you that you don’t have to wait for…

First, I have been working very hard to organize the most effective strategies and execution steps to prepare dentists for 2017. It is going to be wild and exciting landscape for those who choose to get out ahead of it.

I’m going to be outlining this step-by-step plan with principles that are applicable to every practice, customizable to every style of dental business and adaptable for each dentist’s personal philosophy. They will be unveiled and laid out in the final training of the year.

I’m gifting this insider’s look at how to orchestrate and engineer at least a $5,000 a day bump in your practice per Dentist that you can systematically put into effect to hit the ground running in 2017. These will be hard and fast business leverage tactics that are easy to take advantage of and make sustainable for you.

You can accept my gift and register for the live training here >>>

Lastly, with just under a month left in your year, if you know that you have succumbed to any of these defeating behaviors, actions, attitudes that I’ve outlined here today – I am willing to help you be your best self, live up to your potential, and enjoy what you are doing while being paid what you are worth by fully utilizing your clinical skills, passions and interests.

You simply have to be committed to real change and success in 2017. We have a month to take action and be proactive. You can arrange a private discussion and strategy call with me personally by going here to request one – it will be your final opportunity to do so.

I’ll leave you with something I learned long ago and have lived by ever since. When someone gifts you a gift or does something nice for you, just do two simple things: say thank you and make the most of it.

This goes for the gifts you give yourself, the gifts god has given to you and the gifts that I’ve just offered up. Truly all gifts. Use ‘em or lose ‘em, as the saying goes.

You only deserve the best if you work hard to be your best.