How to Achieve a High Performing Team Driven Practice

As we move forward into our final pillars of a world class, successful, high performing Self-Managed Team by turning your people into your greatest assets instead of your biggest expense, I want to emphasize how your team is no different than your patients.

Just as we build better patients, we build better team members.

The difference between extraordinary and ordinary teams is not the education level or age or experience or size of the team because I can show you mind-blowing examples of high-performing teams having huge variations in skills, experiences, age, education, etc.

The difference is the environment they are in, the culture they create, the playbook they operate with, and the systems that they employ.

In fact, if for no other reason than this, you should participate in my upcoming Team Transformation Masterclass where I will showcase exactly how to take the team you’ve got and dramatically enhance their abilities and increase your profitability all by the strategy and structure you apply to the people side of your practice.

This will be the most enlightening training with real-world insights into how to be a better leader and transform your team. It is very limited as I want an interactive experience for you so we are talking about your actual team situation and practice circumstances.

Register for the Live Virtual Team Transformation Masterclass

Circling back quickly to last week, remember the key point was redefining success and clarifying expectations by reprogramming the idea of ‘busy’ into productive and high value.

This is done for every single team member individually and then collectively as a group. It is pretty obvious as to a good day or bad day based on results but very few teams actually get this let alone track it.

Which was the second pillar: ensuring that your team knows not just what a success looks like but how to statistically and qualitatively tell whether or not they were successful based on their results.

Each team member should be able to answer…

What does success look like?

What are the highest value priorities and responsibilities of each team member?

How do we know if we won? What’s next to ensure I continue my role through to the completion?

Now, let’s talk about the next two pillars which are the ones that really take your team to the next level of asset value and capability in your practice.

Talk about ROI, there is no return on investment greater and more able to be scaled and leveraged than your people. With proper incentives and rewards in place, they aren’t completely fixed overhead but the variable amount is nominal (and really should be the most exciting thing you do in any given month aside from putting money in your bank account, is putting it in theirs).

Helping them win and earn more is actually the leader and owner’s responsibility and should be their privilege and pride.

In order to do that, you want each team member to have their next level of growth, what they learn, master, and own in order to become more valuable, take on more responsibility, and be able to become a more independent creator.

Now, I’m sure you are thinking that can’t be a blanket approach for the entire team because each team member focuses on different aspects of the practices and contributes in different ways to success. Right, of course. Which is why you are going to personalize the development path for each team member – in fact, you are going to help them create their own.

Have each team member write out everything that occupies their time and ask them to assign a rating of either A, B, or C based on its direct impact on the overall practice goals. The easier it is to connect the task to the desired outcome for the day/week/month, the better grade it receives.

The reality is most people spend way too much time completing C level tasks. Think about insurance – it has to be done – but it isn’t more important than collecting money from a patient standing in front of you with a pathway to health to help get started on their treatment.

If each team member could shift more of their time to A level priorities and fewer minutes on C, they will contribute more to the practice’s success. This is how you leverage-up your team to the next level with personalized development paths.

That is just one of the many things I’m going to show you how to do during our Team Transformation Masterclass that I am hosting for ambitious-minded doctors ready to breakthrough and make the dramatic shift to working smarter not harder in their practices…

You should register for the virtual event… If you want to tap into the most powerful team-focused strategies that have the ability to change your practice from a doctor-dependent to a team-driven practice then you won’t want to miss my all-new Team Transformation Masterclass for a Self-Managed Practice. I’m conducting specifically for Private Practice Owners who want to become better leaders and get more out of their team while also getting more out of their practice.

Live Masterclass: The 5-Step Gameplan for a Self-Managed Practice

The final pillar builds on all of the previous ones and that is making sure that every single team member knows how to be a creator.

Creation of opportunity is the key to growth because it has no capacity limitations. You can multiple patient opportunities beyond the restraints of time, space, and people. Now, if one person is focused on it, the doctor (or even two people including the treatment coordinator), you can only get so far.

On the other hand, when you turn every single team member into a creation-minded contributor who discovers new patient opportunities, you have a multiplier effect on your practice’s success by helping more patients in more meaningful ways.

When is the last time you had a creation conversation with your team? It’s probably been a while – if ever. It must be embedded into the framework of your practice that it is everyone’s responsibility to influence and educate patients.

At the most basic level, it starts by dedicating time to the development of your team so they understand the practice objectives and their role within it. You must set the correct intentions for your team, this is what being proactive is all about; rather than just reacting to problems as they arise.

At the more advanced level, this is all about the entire team being proud of your clinical philosophy, being in alignment with your pillars of health, and committed to your diagnostic protocols. Therefore, everyone is telling the same story, sharing the same pathway to health visions, speaking with the same core values, and ultimately delivering the same standard of excellence to every patient, every day no matter what.

When this happens, you don’t just win the day – you win the patient. All because you took your team beyond the execution of their basic job description.

And that’s what brings about a self-managed practice. Where your high-performing team delivers you the greatest return on your investment day in and day out, month after month forever more.

As I always say, if you want to grow your practice you must grow your people and that is exactly what we are going to do together during my Self-Managed Practice Masterclass coming up.

I’ll share my playbook for transforming your practice 180 degrees from a doctor-dependent to a self-managed practice. My team driven systems for practice success will instantly give you more lifestyle, financial freedom, and peace of mind by increasing both the effectiveness and consistency of your team…