You know the saying, stepping over dollars to pick up pennies. Well, in Dentistry that often comes out in having so much focus on VOLUME of Visits instead of QUALITY and COMPLETE CARE!
Did you know Hygiene is actually the least profitable part of any Practice and it takes so much volume to make up even the smallest of restorative treatment.
Of course when used properly your Hygiene department can achieve four critical key things for you in your Practice.
1 – Patient Education and Retention
2 – Setting up the Doctor’s Success and Creating Comprehensive Care
3 – Increasing Patient Referrals
4 – Providing Income Stream to the Practice
There is a reason I put “income stream” at the bottom. I find it just crazy that so much emphasis is put on re-call and re-care and whatever you want to call it for Patients who have missed their last Hygiene visit, and yes of course you should not let this happen…
[I go into complete detail about this in my new book, just released
and part of my Practice Lifestyle and Prosperity and Profit Package,
yours complimentary at]
However, you should put as much effort and thought and follow-up and investment into Patients that do not follow through with Treatment – that is what your office is really supposed to be about, isn’t it?!
We often lose focus over what really matters because our eyes are distracted by the bright shiny pennies instead of the larger sources of profit and completely treatment care.
Now, when I work with Hygienists and Dentists to create the perfect handoff, the ideal and thorough best Hygiene Visit and otherwise establish a theme, a culture, a mission inside of your office of comprehensive treatment you would believe that there is magic that will happen and take place.
Patients will accept treatment much faster and without question.
Your Hygienists will not only increase their own daily production they will find things they really enjoy more and thrive creating little niches inside of your office.
And best of all they will take a load of work and burden off the Dentists to prepare and pre-condition the Patient for the Treatment they know is needed.
All in all, the most important thing here is, what is YOUR expectation…what do you want your Hygiene Department of your Practice to be?
Do you want it just to see patients in and out like a revolving door or merry go round.
Or do you want it to be an intricate part of your overall Patient Experience resulting in Complete and Comprehensive Dentistry for your Patients.
Done right, everyone aligned, Hygiene should be an active part of your Practice Growth, introduction of new services, more advanced treatments, and drive your New Patient Production Numbers beyond anything you can imagine.
I challenge you to look at your Practice, the parts of it, the ‘normal-same-as-everyone-else’ Dental Experience and the Hygiene in your office much differently.
This weeks Team Huddle Question is…
How can you better set-up the Dentists during their Check, preparing the patient, enhancing the relationship, and adding to the overall experience and outcome producing results of Patient Treatment Acceptance and Compliance.
This is about TEAM-WORK, making YOUR Team, work, on what’s really, actually, important and meaningful in your philosophy and vision of your Practice.
Want help with this…pick up the phone and call my Team now and we’ll explain it to you, exactly what how to go from just practicing dentistry going through the motions to being a prosperous dentist and empowering your team to fulfill and carryout your missing, every day, with every visit, serving every patients.
Diana will be happy to connect you with me at 720-290-5041
Or you can pick up my complimentary resource package including my brand new book just released – makes for great Team Training…