How To Love Your Patients and Keep Them For Life

One of the most common and repetitive questions I get from practices across the globe is how to combat the insurance, commoditization, corporatizing (cheapening) and discounting of dentistry…

Most people think they are only going to win by following the “join ‘em” strategy, since the option to “beat ‘em” is not possible.

Everyone these days fears the idea that patients will leave and go somewhere else that there is no loyalty – none whatsoever.

And of course, this is just not true.

Reality says: you can control your relationship with your patients if you choose and decide to. You can secure the longevity of your practice through being deliberate and proactive with your patients.

Since tomorrow is Valentine’s Day, I thought I would give you the easiest analogy that will teach you the best lesson about your practice and patient retention, loyalty and value that you’ll ever need to know.

All you have to do is ask yourself if you are treating your patients in the same way that some people treat their loved ones and significant others … special only a few times a year when holidays happen.

Christmas time.

If tomorrow is the only day people show their love and they go above and beyond their expectations, just once a year, that is no different than showing your patients that you care only once or twice a year when they are sitting in front of your face for their hygiene appointments or ‘check-ups’.

The best relationships are ones that are not based on necessity, but rather the choice to be with someone because of who they are not for what they provide.

Relationship principles apply to business relationships just as well as they do romantic relationships. The more you express your gratitude and value for them, the more they will reciprocate that you and they will reward you with their loyalty.

My questions to you this week for your team to brainstorm and take action one is this…

In honor of Valentine’s Day tomorrow, discuss what all you are doing to go above and beyond with your demonstration of care, love and support for your patients? What are you doing to make your relationship go beyond being just about dentistry?

That’s the secret of all secrets. Begin focusing on the one thing that no one in your city can replicate and that’s the people inside of your office. When your relationship with your patients is about that – you win every time.

Just don’t wait until it’s too late to show your true feelings for your patients. I prefer early and often with consistently throughout the year…Valentine’s day might be once a year but your relationship for your patients is never ending.

Enjoy the day and month of love. Use it to inspire your culture and your care for the people you serve.
