How To Make Productive Days Happen On Purpose

Productive days don’t happen on accident.  In fact, there is a whole lot that goes into every one of them.  Even if there is only one patient who makes the day…

A patient has to call and schedule.

A patient has to show up for the appointment.

A patient has to be greeted.

A patient must be taken to the back.

Properly engaged, listened to, rapport built.

Educated on problems (ideally through photographs).

There has to be a treatment plan, a clinical yes.

Then a patient has to say yes to the money.
Write a check, swipe a credit card, schedule.

Leave to go home.

And come back and do nearly all of this again.

To finally then be in a dental chair.

All of this just to do some dentistry.  Still, you don’t have a productive day unless: it was scheduled properly; time managed effectively; procedure prepared correctly; resulted in profitability; patient happy; and outcomes favorable.

Productive days take work, and they will never be consistent until you set out to make them so.

If you want predictable success and really meaningfully productive days, you have to decide to reverse engineer your patient experience (not only the items listed here in this week’s huddle, but all of the other details and nuisances).

This week’s homework isn’t in the article.  Though you could find many things to discuss with your team about this right here.  Such as why more of your days aren’t as productive as they could and should be, and really why you aren’t out pacing your goals…

It comes down to being more successful in the details of the day, of the patient visit, of the treatment acceptance and knowing for sure that every day more dentistry is created, closed, scheduled than what you need to have in order to make days in the future productive.

Consider this: You are either operating at a surplus or a deficit every day based on how much dentistry is accepted and scheduled for the future.  Simple, right?  Days aren’t good or bad based on the day but based on the days that let up to this one.

I’ve created a brand new special report diving deep into details, asking tough questions and giving you a roadmap to rethink your practice and how you go about building up your day to be as productive as possible.

There is a lot in here for everyone and I’m sure it will bring about some powerful trainings, meetings and discussions if you walk through it together.

Here you go…

Download The Special Report Now >>>