How To Think About Your Dental BUSINESS

Most Dentists wait until it’s too late to figure out what they want out of their practice.  When they want to retire; how much money they want to put away; and the way in which they prefer to work, practice and do dentistry.

Most don’t have any rhyme or a reason, other than showing up every day at the mercy of who happens to be in the schedule and then ending up at the end of the day with whatever money appeared in the account.

Now, I don’t think you are probably like this, at least not this bad.  After all, you are smart, forward thinking, future focused and have standards.  You don’t simply settle.

Still, that doesn’t mean that time doesn’t catch up with you.  That doesn’t mean that you aren’t accepting less than you deserve or you live your life every day in your practice either unfulfilled with your passions or underutilized with your skills.

Very few Dentists would say they have total control over their outcomes, are creating deliberate growth and actually have a plan.  I don’t mean a plan for the week, the month, the quarter, even the year.  I’m talking about a career plan, a business plan.  An actual strategy for ownership, for wealth, for growth, for your team, for your lifestyle, for your dentistry, for your budget, for your profit, for your expenses and for your schedule.

These are all pillars that your practice, as a business, is built upon.

If they aren’t planned out and orchestrated…

If they aren’t deliberately designed…

If there is no reason why things happen…

If there is no cause and effect to get the results you desire so that your goals are met and your time is worth it…

Then you are going to end up, at some point, frustrated as you find yourself behind in time or money (or both); stranded by your team or worse yet your patients.

I don’t say this to scare you.  This is reality.  In the multi-millionaire club we call this “healthy paranoia”.

Done right, it is a proactive strategy for taking full responsibility for getting exactly what you want in life, out of your practice, in dentistry, with your team and from your patients.

You can choose to be just like your patients… in a state of denial waiting until there is no turning back and the problem is so bad it has to be addressed.

Or you can be a smart, responsible business person and you can get ahead of problems, prevent failure and as result achieve the optimal state of ideal on purpose.

Yes, that just sounds magical…

Business on purpose.

Dentistry on purpose.

Practicing on purpose.

Having fun on purpose.

Scheduling on purpose.

Diagnosing on purpose.

Leading your team on purpose.

And all of this leads to my favorite part…

Getting rich on purpose.  Ultimately that’s the point.  You can pick the amount, you can write your own definition, success is of course all in the eye of the beholder.  Still, most will short change themselves not because they want to, just because they lack confidence, belief, a structured process of certainty that leads to the results you deserve.

I’d ask you how much of this are you doing on purpose?  Guided by your goals, mission, passion, profits – your purpose.

The only Dentists I have ever met who didn’t want any of these things, are ones that are so pathetically losing at their practice and the game of dentistry they had no other way to justify it than to say they didn’t want the opposite of what they were getting.

Now, here’s the thing, there is but one secret – one – to everything falling into place, to practicing on your own terms and to getting all you can out of all you’ve got (to quote a famous book title).  There is but one secret that has to happen before anything else can or ever will.

The key to sustainable and predictable success begins with this secret.  And I’m going to hand deliver it to you next week, right here, in the Weekly Report.

In the meantime, I’d ask you to rate yourself on a scale from 1 to 10, one being complete incompetence or negligence or non-existent and 10 being perfect, state of ideal, wouldn’t change a thing (where every day is exactly the way you want it, you are earning what you expect, working not a minute more than you wish and all the peace you can cram into your mind).

Rate yourself: 1 to 10.  It’s that simple.  And by the way, there is no glory being at a 10 because it just means you aren’t critical enough and most certainly settling.  It’s one thing to be a happy person, another to be so content you lack ambition and therefore purpose.

I’m putting together a special report about this secret that I am going to tell you about next week.  It’s going to be a big deal and in hard copy form.

If you want to get on the waiting list to receive this (on me; completely free – no fee, no shipping), please click below to submit your address so we know where to send this report when it’s done – you’ll be the first to get it.

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And while you are pondering your life as you know it… go ahead and build that wish list, dream a little (or a lot) and start wanting things.  Let yourself be a little selfish for a moment and ask what more your practice could be doing for you, for your life and for your family.

Jump to the front of the line and be the first to get The Ultimate Secret To Dental Business Success and How To Finally Practice On Your Own Terms once and for all.  Simply below and enter your mailing address to get added to the list…

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