More wasted time and lost opportunity is caused because of indecision than anything else; especially when it comes to business and dentistry.
It always surprises me that so many practices operate every day with so many known problems with training, inefficiency, broken equipment, bottlenecks and log jams, but nothing is being done to improve, eliminate, repair or correct any of those problems.
Some treat the operations of their practice the way patients treat their mouths, with neglect, delay, “I’ll deal with it later” attitude or “I’ll wait until it becomes an emergency” approach.
This is no way to live and certainly no way to run a business.
The result is a team handicapped by these obstacles yielding poor performances and frustrated doctors. Yet no one focuses on the cause of things, only the effect of it.
Here is what I would like you to do this week (and ideally every week thereafter), be solution oriented – not problem focused. Do not tolerate or accept a day to end with something undone, unanswered, at least not without some proactive decision made with actions to follow and someone to be accountable to see it through.
It is by definition stupid to live with a problem that is fixable (usually easily so), and do nothing – other than complain about it.
If you do not expect and demand yourself and those around you (including your patients) to operate at the state of ideal, then you will never maximize your potential and reach the success you are capable of.
You will end up working much harder to accomplish a lot less and it will become no fun for anyone.
You may not even realize this until it boils over in ways that create problems that result in unhappy patients, undone treatment, uncollected money, or worse than all of these good, quality, reliable team members who get fed up and look for a well run organization to be a part of.
Here’s the deal: I’m certain (because you are reading this) that you are 80, maybe 90+ percent doing well and dialed in, but that last little bit makes a giant difference and it creates leverage for your practice to grow.
Next week I’ll share a list of some of the top problems, challenges, areas of opportunity that most teams fall victim too.
But, please don’t wait for me. Allow every team member to identify any one item he/she finds to be a constant, repetitious or recurring problem and then without passing go, without collecting $200, make a decision – on the spot. With everyone in agreement of the actions you will take to provide a solution to this, you’ll never have to deal with it again.
No one operates at peak performance when inhibited by obvious challenges that get in your way of progress, success, and effective execution every day.
Decide to be better, decide on solutions, decide to decide and act from now on proactively when there is something standing in the way of your optimal performance and ideal operations. This will eliminate excuses and put the advantage in your favor.