[Part 2 of 4] Championship Team – Practice Culture and Environment

I would say the most overlooked and underestimated part of the puzzle for leadership development in your practice is the culture that you create.  Really this is about the environment that exists that either nurtures or detracts from the positivity and attitudes of champions.

This is more than a random piece to the puzzle.  I would consider this like the structure, the edge and the border of the entire puzzle.

Without this, you have wandering souls.  This can also afflict your patients, but today, we are focusing on your team.  I have previously discussed with you that what team members see, read and consume matters – more than you will ever realize.  Environment matters just as much.

For your team, there are a few major components of the environment that will make the biggest difference.

First, remember what you are around is what you become.

Wherever your team meets there has to be positive, affirming statements about the practice vision, mission and philosophy posted.  There also should be reminders of their value, their focus and their purpose.

To really win, you simply add goal tracking and performance measures of both the individuals and for the group as a whole.  This should be motivating, as no one should like looking at a losing score.

Some say to me ‘well they become demoralized if we aren’t hitting the goals.’  My advice – START WINNING!

And if the losing mentality is perpetual then look at yourself because the team is a direct reflection in performance of the doctor’s commitment and attitude of success.

There is of course more to the visual environment we are talking about here.  You also must have a clean, organized environment that is free from trash, clutter, dirt and anything that takes your mind away from the true focus and objectives.

Then we have the learning environment.  Your nutritional plan for feeding your teams’ minds with things they listen to, read, work on and progress through routinely.

Do not make the mistake of getting out of balance on clinical training that you forget about personal development and interpersonal communication (both of which are critically important in order to be successful).  Even when you have clinical proficiency, you will only be as successful to the degree in which you have and continue to develop your people proficiency.

This is why I write these huddles.  This is why I do monthly practice focuses.  This is why my team is the best in the world at providing leadership development for real life dental team member as we constantly and continuously feed you with information that drives positive attitudes and success mindsets about life and dentistry.

There is more that you could do…

A book a month you read as a team to discuss it weekly or monthly, or start quarterly if you must; pass along my books, my cds or any others as long as they further your mission; ask your team what they want to learn more about and what they need help with.

All of this will help you develop a learning environment.

This week, take a look around your office, especially where your team is most, to see what you are doing to keep everyone thinking positively and staying focused.

Ask around what you could all do better as a team to have a healthier success environment physically and mentally.

Do a little spring cleaning while you are at it; while it’s still spring.

And we’ll continue next week…