[PART 2] The 3 Steps To Team Mastery of Perfect Daily Dental Performance

Here we go folks. Back with Part 2…

How many of you actually visualize the success of your day?

Well smart people do. My Wealth Group does. Millionaire Income Earners do.

Oh and by the way, you don’t become a “millionaire” BEFORE you have Millionaire Habits. There is no chicken and the egg here. It’s obvious which comes first – THE HABITS before the success.

Successful, Championship Teams – THEY DO. Just like I explained last week.

I just finished an exercise where my Wealth Group “visualized” the next 90-days of their lives and practices as they “lived into the future.” Just like you should be doing with every single day of your Dental Practice.

Now, don’t go thinking making money is just about the doctor. Any team member (and I do mean any team member) reading this is capable of achieving a million dollar savings with even a very small amount of money saved every month.

This is a topic for another time. You have to be disciplined with your savings, you have to visualize success and you have to grow your practice to grow your income through your bonus structure.

If you want to be a champion, if you want to win and if you would rather not have days filled with frustration, then you will visualize the perfect day and everything that happens.

Part 2 of the Team Mastery of Perfect Daily Dental Performance is…

Practice Makes Perfect

Otherwise known as role-playing and going through the motions of success. You have to do this in order to be ready and capable for the things that will happen during your days that will so often throw you off your course.

Here is what this means:

Role Playing is having one team member play the patient and then go through the “plays of the day” for every point of patient engagement as another team member responds, acts and executes as if it’s real.

Not just front desk and phone calls.
Not just presenting cases.
Not just hand-offs.


All objections.
Any insurance rebuttals.
Patients who try to cancel.
Breaking down Patients who deny reality or try to delay treatment.
Possible difficult situations.

I could go on and on and on. You really do have to practice in order to be proficient at what you do. You can’t waste actual opportunities by only getting practice on real live patients. If you do that, you do not value what you are doing because your patients are too sacred and precious to be messing up on. To think, you would let them leave your office BECAUSE YOU WERE UNSUCCESSFUL. Their health and your goals are at stake here.

Once you visualize your perfect day, then please set structured time aside (ideally every week, absolutely every month), where nothing else is done or talked about except role-playing activities.

You will want to let people from other positions cross train and practice other skills because they will have different perspectives, they will hear things from other parts of the practice and they will have had other patient discussions.

This is critical.

Of course, you also want to have some guide lines or scripting examples that help give team members a format and structure around the exact protocols you want to have in your practice. This allows you to match the verbiage, culture, overall mission, philosophy and experience you want your patients to have.

None the less, we don’t want robots. We want real, human, genuine, authentic interaction. That’s why practice makes perfect (and natural).

Please do this. You will soon start running like a well-oiled machine and getting better and better. You will see your case acceptance, your referrals, your success improve more and more.

I’ll be back next week with the final step – Part 3 – and only the very best of the best ever understand, learn, and decide to deliberately master this.

It will be a game changer but you have to get the role-playing activities structured into your practice operations and training on an ongoing basis.

Ready. Set. Go!!!