Practice Luck Factor #4 (of 7)

I admit we talk about this a lot and yet it still goes underutilized as it’s power is dramatically underestimated.  

The problem with Luck Factor #4 is that it’s so easy to skip or only do halfway.

For the most part, everything in life we make more difficult than it needs to be.  While there are not often simple solutions for complex problems, there are ways to make the complex simple for your patients.  If you want what is best for them, you will do exactly that.

Luck Factor #4 is the use and involvement of Photography in everything you do.

Using illustrative proof is in and of itself a Luck Creator for several reasons…

First – Visualization:  Patients accept what they see more than what is said.

Second – Belief: It moves beyond opinion and is demonstrated fact.

Third – Accountability: Patients can’t disown their own pictures.

And therefore…

Fourth – Solution: You can now act as their guide (instead of a sales person) on the pathway to optimal health.

You get to let the patients ask you for help as a way of creating their desired outcome; rather than dictating what needs done and having changes forced upon them.

Far too many practices (teams and doctors alike) TELL patients their problems instead of involving the patient in both discovering problems and creating solutions.

This provides for the most powerful aspect of utilizing pictures: the ability to easily move beyond just problems and get to treatment possibilities for their own benefit.

The real trick is to find other places you can use pictures.  The obvious is in taking photographs of their gums, teeth, bite, smile, airway and all of the clinical applications.  You can go beyond that with…

Pictures of happy patients to build trust and credibility

Pictures of before and after so they can see what possible

Pictures of consequence and neglect to illustrate untreated problems

Pictures that showcase everything you are capable of doing

Pictures of the Doctor and team with Patients

Pictures expressing the culture, mission and philosophy of your practice

Everything is visual in and around your patients.  You can have pictures and posters in your treatment and consult rooms, in addition to photos and booklets in the reception area.

Moreover, you want to CONTROL what they see because what they see is what they think about.  Never forget that.

You certainly know about the need – if you want to go to the next level – to control the five senses of the patient in your practice.  The power of this is when you combine Luck Factor #3 and #4 for greater influence.

Today, go past the question of are you taking enough pictures.  The answer is always ‘never enough.’  However, it’s more about are you using the pictures as part of the experience for your patients and are you doing so with effectively.

Assess this in your practice and challenge yourselves to do more.  Pictures aren’t something you go through the motions with, they are something you leverage to help your patients see greater value in dentistry and say yes to more comprehensive treatment.  Everything we do is about building value in the patients’ minds.

We are building up to the Ultimate Luck Factor in the weeks to come.  Go from start to finish and see where you can use pictures to have more Luck with your Patients each step of the way.