“There is no reason to get mad, you just have to get glad all over again”
Yes, he sure did, and I think it helped…so, that’s fair warning, what you are about to read could very well anger you, make you mad, not at me silly, at yourself.
But. There’s no reason to get upset, maybe, just thank me for calling this to your attention. Shall we…
I want to begin this week, our first Dentist Practice Growth and Profit Report of December with the most personal message I have ever written to you. I begin this by sharing with you one of my most significant life philosophies and beliefs.
First a question…why do you feel so many Dentists, perhaps even yourself, fall short of their stated income objectives, wealth goals, and lifestyle ambitions? Each year they look back at the last and settle for usually some type of growth, but often not much change in autonomy and lifestyle.
While you may have been preached to and taught about obsessive hard work and sacrifice early on in your career, by your parents, or your professors, or your mentors even. What they might have left out was the part about self-torture and the sake of work for work’s sake was not the point.
Rather, to use your skills and passions to provide the highest quality care changing the lives of the patients you serve WHILE you too also get to enjoy that same highest quality of care and life – for yourself.
When I ask and interview quite literally 100’s of Dentists each month in some way or another and in all the Private Practice Profit Consultations and Patient Blueprint Strategy Calls that I do, I always learn about WHY You wanted to become a Dentist.
You hear the “work with my hands”, “loved science”, “my dad or granddad or someone I admire was”, the “wanted to be a Doctor but didn’t want the lifestyle of an always-on-call of a physician”
And then above all else, the most common thing I am told, that is written on the couple dozen in-depth questionnaires I review from candidates wanting to participate in my Individualized Practice Transformation Experience is this –
They wanted to become a Dentist because of the lifestyle and earning potential it would provide while getting to help so many people.
My follow-up question to You is this…how’s that working out for you? Tell me about that ‘lifestyle’ and your day-to-day working environment and schedule.
Some, they have it nailed, spot on, exactly what they want to have and be doing and they are earning their desired level of income they have always wanted, maybe even accumulating wealth. Maybe.
But. If you dig deeper, I have yet to meet a Dentist who did not have the “it could be better” list or improvements and enhancements to what they are doing.
Some want better quality patients, to do more comprehensive dentistry, some want to make more money, some just want to work less, or and I suppose most want all of the above, more money, less time, fewer patients, but more challenging cases.
And I say, to each their own, as it should be.
However, the overriding point is this – it’s not about HOW MUCH money you make it is about HOW you make the money. What is the opportunity cost, the sacrifice, the time, energy, life investment you make to do what you do and get what you get.
That is the ultimate question. It is the first and only question that matters.
Now, let’s go back to the top… why then do so many Dentists accept the reality that they are living with sacrifice and in less than ideal circumstances?
Good news. I’m going to tell you.
It is because You, me, all of us get caught up in and settling for WHAT IS. Today, right now, currently.
Rather than FOCUSING on and always Striving for WHAT CAN BE. Tomorrow, in the future, achieving your ideal state of what I call
Your Lifestyle Based Practice. Or The Perfect Dental Practice for you.
There are 7 individual components to the “Perfect Dental Practice” and you get to design each of them exactly the way that you want them to be, if you choose to, be proactive, take responsibility, and do something about it.
I have put together a very comprehensive box-of-valuable-things on this, I call the Perfect Dental Practice Prosperity and Profit Lifestyle Based Resource Package.
It is provided to you complimentary for being a reader of my weekly Profit Report. Of course you would be wise to go get it now at www.PerfectDentalPractice.com
It is always smart to accept an outside perspective and collaborate together your expertise of dentistry with my expertise of the business of dentistry so we can together design the ideal practice for you.
You will discover the possibility inside of this box and during our Private Lifestyle Strategy and Practice Profit Blueprint Call.
I know 3 things for a fact working personally day in and day out with some of the most successful, productive, happy Dentists in North America.
1st – Every Dentist is different, their idea of success, the money they want, and how hard they want to work at getting it
2nd – Each and every Dentist has things with their life, outside of dentistry on a bucket list or in their dreams they wish to experience, do, be, have, or enjoy time with their families, being more involved with their kids or grandkids, the list goes on
3rd – A Dentist who finds the way to do these things, to put #1 and #2 together and deliberately design and orchestrate their Practice to support and achieve their idea of success and happiness
…are in fact HAPPIER, HEALTHIER, have better quality and significant relationships with their family and loved ones and guess what else – they are all, also…
Without question, 100%, my top 20+ personal friends and Dental Client Superstars all out produce and out earn the rest working less, seeing fewer patients.
And no, they are not all “big-case” full mouth Docs, some, not all, they just set up the best practice for them and truly the rest pretty much takes care of itself.
You don’t have to believe, it’s only to your benefit to try, to listen, to discover, to open your mind to all that is actually possible. Why would you not?
Well, unfortunately sometimes it takes tragedy to happen, or serious illness, or an otherwise uncomfortable circumstance to be like the waving white flag of surrender that too much of life is passing your bye while you are busy working in the four walls for your office.
This 1st week of December, allow yourself the opportunity to reflect, to refresh, to reset your goals, objectives, life ambitions, and priorities and plans going forward.
It’s okay to keep everything exactly the way that it is, if it’s perfect for you, ideal, day in and day out, still you should be aware and cognizant of it.
Otherwise, don’t be like Scrooge in the touching book “A Christmas Carol” that takes the Ghost of Christmas Past, Present, and Future to show You into a Crystal Ball the path that you are headed down making it all too late.
What’s past is history, what’s present is gone, what’s future is all up to you. To be human is to desire more, to be alive is to live your dreams and make your reality all that you deserve and want it to be.
I challenge you to use this reflective Holiday Season to check the compass, re-sort the priorities, and organize and design your ideal and perfect dental practice for you, all of your own design going into the new year 2015.
It’s taken me a decade of in-the-trenches experience and 1000’s of interviews with Dentists, to have crafted the ultimate blueprint for you to make what most say is impossible or even farfetched and turn it into your possibilities and real-life enjoyment.
As my gift to you, this Holiday Season with just 20 days left to Santa Claus, go ahead and give yourself the gift you deserve most, your very own Perfect Dental Practice.