Team Sport Dentistry – The Only Way To Lasting Success!

Well, it was a big success; as it always is because in every practice the Team is the magic. The advanced training on Team Sport Dentistry has receive incredible feedback and results already. Of course, the coach is only as good as the players and vice versa so you get all the credit.

If by some crazy chance you missed it, I’ll ask them to keep it available for another day or two. It’s provocative and power-packed with specific detailed steps to take to engage, grow and nurture your team.

You can check is out here:

However, I do have a confession to make, one in which you won’t appreciate hearing but it is the truth.

This was not our most popular or highest attended training, not by a long-shot and that is a shame, isn’t it. You would think that everyone realizes that the only thing that matters, above all else, is the Team.

And yet most Doctors are searching for some outside-the-practice solution, some easy fix, some magic formula (all things that don’t exist).

The most successful training we have ever done was the Insurance Cure and rightfully so. But you know what? It shouldn’t be, because anything other than team development is just a distraction and built-in excuse for lack of success and progress.

I’m telling you right now the magic of your practice, the uniqueness of what you do, the most effective practice growth strategy you can ever commit to is: the development of your team. It is the one thing that no one else can replicate and it is the only real leverage you are ever going to have in your practice.

Of course it is a journey not a destination when it comes to people, but your focus on this will be the fastest and most reliable way to achieve sustainable results and profitable increases in your practice.

While all of the other topics (patients, insurance, technology, procedures, and on and on) are important, they will only get you as far as the skill, commitment, focus and execution of your team.

If you will together (everyone, not just the doctor or manager or champion, everyone!) own and embrace the fact that the cohesiveness of your team, the synergy of you working together and the relationship you all share; it will drive you forward to new heights of achievement, while everything else is just a short term temporary solution.

Start by listening to each other and going through the five steps I outline in this advanced training all about Team Sport Dentistry (which is exactly what it is)…
