The 7 Luck Factors of Practice Growth!

As you probably already know, I just love St. Patrick’s Day. Mainly because it’s fun and it represents the ideas of prosperity and good fortune.

Of course, we all know luck is self-made through appropriate actions and strategy.

I often meet frustrated Doctors who have plateaued in their practice. It doesn’t matter whether they are at half a million, a million or two or three or more millions of dollars, a plateau is inevitable – always.

Now, they are looking for the next breakthrough.
Now, they are looking to get lucky…

Usually by trying lots of different things and even sometimes messing up what is already working. They go off the range and lose their focus. Usually they end up with a practice that looks like a pot luck stew instead of a pot of gold.

And that’s not good.

This further drives frustration as the plateau turns into a backslide with down months instead of just staying the even.

Then you have those who are running great, posting big numbers, hitting record highs but they have no rhyme or reason – they are just getting lucky.

And luck that is not deliberately created and strategically controlled is not luck that will be sustainable.

Sometimes owners don’t even know how much their breakeven or monthly profit is. When they hit big months, there is no more money left over than with other much smaller months.

So, what do you do to breakthrough through plateaus at whatever million-dollar interval you are at? Or, what do you do to keep riding the wave to sustain your profitable growth month after month, quarter after quarter.

You orchestrate luck – that’s what you do.

It turns out that there are about 7 different luck (or growth) factors. And not because 7 is seen as a good luck number but because there are 7 really big leverage points inside of your practice. If focused on and manipulated positively, these 7 points will lead to definite growth. It will be so easy you’ll think it’s some magical four-leaf clover.

1st – Properly Conditioned New Patients With Expectations Pre-Set (and coming full circle back to this one with Referrals and Family Engagement)

2nd – Effective Photographs and Engaged Patient Dialogue Going Big Picture with Patient Goals

3rd – Expanding Diagnosis To Layered Full Mouth Treatment with Optimal Health “Upgrades”

4th – Scheduling Bundled Treatment and at a Minimum Quadrant Dentistry

5th – Collecting Money Up Front, Achieving a Negative Accounts Receivable

6th – Weighted Production Tied to Value Based Scheduling and Hourly Targets

7th – Team Member Ownership and Daily Goals with Structured Accountability

I have expanded on these many times in different places but never in one direct place and I’m not going to do it here today either, because…

Like lucky charms work differently for different people, like lucky numbers depend on circumstances.

This is why looking for the bright shiny object, the magic bullet, the one idea is never a good thing because all of those things were applied to doctors in other situations than yours. They could have similarities but they are never exactly the same.

Principles can transfer, approaches can have commonalities but there are more variables in every practice than there are things that are the same.

Doctor personality.
Income objectives.
Patient demographics.
Team make up.
Insurance structure.
Procedure mix.

And then you have skills, preferences, future goals and ambitions.

Every one of these things lead to a different and unique application of The 7 Luck Factors of Practice Growth.

This is also why I only work, guide, mentor, advise, and execute individually with one doctor at a time. So that everything discussed and decided is specifically, perfectly matching to your vision. It has the integrity of who you are, what you believe in and want to achieve.

Shortcuts and easy fixes that at very best will be short lived and not profitable.

A business, a dental practice, a doctor is no different than a patient; certain things may be the same but you don’t put the same tooth in everyone’s mouth now do you.

They each have their own color, size, shape, contour, and so on and so forth. Each tooth sustaining health and bone, aligning with a bite and proper occlusion, and fitting nicely and appropriately into a full mouth smile.

Why is it so hard for so many doctors to grasp this about their business?

I’ll tell you… because they want UNEARNED LUCK, they want success without the work, they want victories without doing what’s necessary to make it theirs.

If that’s you. Good Bye.

If that’s not you and you are serious about your long term sustained success…
If you believe you are unique and have some integrity about the way you do things…
If you have opinions, beliefs, differences from others…
If you want things the way you want them…
If you want to do dentistry on your terms rather than the terms put upon you…

Then you just might be ready to get lucky for the long term by doing it right, profitably, and having fun – and by the way it should be fun.

Today, in honor of St. Patrick’s Day, I’m going to do something I’ve never done before…

I’m going to individually and personally outline for you each of The 7 Luck Factors in your Practice one at a time with you.

I’ll do this for (go ahead guess) exactly 7 Dentists who are decisive, ambitious, action taking people who really want to win!

Request My Help for Your 7 Luck Factors of Practice Growth >>>

You’ll have to make the first step – a leap – down the rainbow to your very own pot of gold.

Oh, and since I’m in the giving mood… don’t worry if you aren’t one of the first seven (because probably by the time you are reading this sentence the first seven have long ago been set) have no fear, you’ll be included with a very special Lucky Bonus of two brand new resources I’ve just put the finishing touches on right now.

See, magic happens for those who believe it will and deserve it. Your gifts will be on their way…

Get Your Personal 7 Luck Factors of Practice Growth Plan Now >>>