The Achilles’ Heel of Corporate Dentistry (and How To Capitalize NOW)

In just a few days I’m going to break down all of the barriers that are holding you back from explosive growth in your practice … and I seriously mean explosive.

I talk to so many Dentists that say they want to increase by 10 or 20 percent, or they want to make an extra $100,000 a year and I say to them “Why? What’s the point? What would that honestly do?”

If you just want more of the same (more patients, more fillings, more of all the things you tell yourself every single day that you don’t want more of), then that is what exactly you get when you strive for gradual growth.

Gradual growth implies ‘doing more insurance dentistry’ not trying to find a way to break through the barriers and burden of insurance dentistry.

Gradual growth implies ‘trying to get more patients to look more like a corporate clinic’ instead of focusing on getting the right kind of patients who want to avoid and run away from corporate style, same-for-everyone, cookie cutter dentistry.

You know the really corrupt part about corporate dentistry is not discount dentistry at all. We love to make that excuse. Dentists all over North America love to blame corporate dentistry for discounting as to why patients go there. But you know what, it is not cheaper.

They only market cheaper dentistry and then they get them in there and by the time you add up all their bells and whistles and fine print, line-itemed car repair shop nuts and bolts they are charging a lot more (and getting it) than independent dentists.

The first reason is because they are in cahoots with the insurance.

The second reason is because they are doing transactional dentistry and making the fee lower because they are not doing comprehensive care. They are misleading patients about the true state of their mouths. They are not creating a pathway to health instead getting as much money as they can for as little as they can do. In most people’s book that is called being unethical.

But, the biggest reasons why corporate dentistry beats up on independent dentists is because of this a one-two punch.

ONE: they have better systems than you do to control the patient. They are well oiled machines that they run businesses. Unfortunately, they are not meant to be patient-centric instead they are profit-centric.

TWO: they win because you try to be like them, instead of trying to be yourself.

Haven’t you ever heard the famous expression that great coaches tell their teams every single week out on the field.


If you play their game they automatically got you beat.


And that is what most independent dentists lose sight of. They fall into the trap of insurance, volume, needing more patients, high overhead and worst of all…

They default to transactional dentistry instead of relationship based dentistry. As long as that is the case you will get destroyed.

How do you know where you stand…

1. What is your average new patient value? I’m going to tell you what it should be next week.

2. Have your average patient treatment plan value of procedures scheduled per appointment gone up or down over the last 10 years, how about the last 2 years?

3. Do you leave more dentistry in their mouths than dentistry you do for patients of record, is your unscheduled treatment growing, staying the same, or going down?

4. Are at least 50%, ideally 70-80% of your new patients coming from referrals?

5. Do your new patients move forward with at least 50% of the diagnosed treatment in the first 30-days of coming in?

I could keep going.

Here is the point: I want you to play your game. If you do, you can beat corporate dentistry and regain the advantage in your community. You can win over or even win back your patients and get back to dramatic growth again.

Next week I’m going to take you through the exact 7-steps to complete differentiation – to play your game – and to protect yourself from corporate dentistry infringing on your turf and taking your patients.

It’s going to be intense and provocative like never before. I would say confidently, that this is the hardest hitting, most advanced training I have ever delivered; all tied up, put together, in a formulaic step-by-step execution where you will literally see, feel and count tangibly the results and impact from it.

If you want gradual growth just don’t waste my time or yours.

If you want to fight for the integrity of patient care and the prestige of dentistry as it should be; if you believe in customized care and being paid what you are worth; if you want to really win and win big … then this training is for you.

Perfect timing as we accelerate into the most profitable time of the year and gear up for 2017.

Register for the Online Training: The 7 Essential Elements of Differentiation >>>

Oh and by the way, if you want to election-proof your Practice regardless of presidential outcome, I’m going to shield your practice like a fortress to stand strong, stay steady and sustain your success on into and through the more unpredictable presidential transition ever.