Yes, you were expecting “Patient Conversations – Part 2” and we’ll get to that next week.
But before we continue on that topic, I have an important announcement of such magnitude and importance that I’m letting you know about it right here because it ties directly into patient conversations.
If you want to have great patient conversations you have to have time to have them. No one would argue with that. While there is both art and strategy to conversations (a reality many people don’t want to accept, let alone take responsibility for), there is one constant that bridges those dichotomies… you can’t be rushed and still accomplish the goals of each patient conversation: genuinely connect with your patients and establish a trust-based relationship.
Therefore, one of the greatest secrets to elevating your patient experiences is scheduling in an intentional way to facilitate that to happen.
Your schedule creates the foundation and sets the tone for how your practice operates, the culture in which team members perform, and the success you will (or won’t) experience throughout your day.
Just as there is art and strategy to your conversations – there is art and strategy to your schedule. I happen to be putting together a very advanced deep dive webinar training all about this very thing. You can grab a spot for it right here…
Live Webinar Training: How to Create Your Ideal Million Dollar Schedule
As I always say, the schedule is “your life” and a good day or bad day (both in terms of financial results as well as clinically rewarding), all comes back to your schedule.
And that brings me to some questions this week for your Morning Huddle just to get you thinking about this…
First, are you in control of or are you at the mercy of your schedule? How often do you find yourself beholden to the very thing that should be providing you structure to your day in order to prevent chaos?
Second, ultimately the schedule is the tool that allocates your limited resources: people, space, and time – how well have you engineered your schedule to maximize the performance and return on those constraints?
If you struggle to answer those questions, you are not alone. The best practices still deal with scheduling deficiencies. I’ll share how you can gain leverage each day by applying a time-saving formula and help you breakthrough your existing (or next) plateaus.
Register Here To Save Your Spot On The Live Training >>>
Even if you’ve made huge leaps in your schedule control and the intentionality you place towards it, it’s not a one-and-done thing. It evolves as your practice changes and grows. Not to mention the daily battle to stay ahead of it, on top of it, and in control over it to ensure you achieve your goals.
Now, whether your hands are actually in your schedule or not, you are absolutely tied to it. Mastering the execution of your schedule is how you will more effectively engage your patients and have meaningful conversations that produce life changing dentistry.
There’s a lot to talk about and we’ll pick up on Part 2 of this series next week.
In the meantime, don’t forget to join me for the live webinar training…