The Most Irrelevant Number In Dentistry… Case Acceptance Percentage

I know you think about this each day (at least I hope you do), about why some patients (or most patients), don’t move forward with any treatment or certainly not ‘all’ treatment.

You have heard me say here and in many other places that more treatment leaves than actually gets done in your practice.

Of course, we have people who love to tout great case acceptance and how “If we present it all, our patients say yes.”  You and I know that that just isn’t true.

It’s kind of like saying you made all your shots during the basketball game but you fail to tell somebody that you only went to the basket three times and they were all layups.

Read this very carefully…

The percentage of case acceptance hardly matters – it’s the amount of diagnosis and the end result of what actually gets done that matters most.

Any person with a brain would rather have more treatment to present and less of it said yes to, than one filling (or crown) per patient covered by a PPO reimbursing you at 60% or even 70% of your standard fee with 100% acceptance.

This is why we have core principles such as:

– Treat every patient like a new patient

– Be on an expedition of discovery

– Believe in optimal health, function and beauty

– Commit to educating and illustrating the big picture of the mouth

– Take smile photos for relevancy to the patient’s perspective

– Don’t hodgepodge treatment

– And other things that matter so much.

… all in order to give you a bigger number (of course always based on patients’ needs, wants, your diagnostic philosophy), to work with.

Growth in diagnosis is the key to all growth in Dentistry.

Stats show that the athletes who make the most shots missed the most shots, hit the most home runs stuck out the most, scored the most goals missed the most goals and so on and so forth.  Why?  Because that’s just what it takes.  They also happen to make the most money and win the most games.

I would caution you as to what number you celebrate and focus on to manage your practice growth.  Case acceptance percentages definitely help us understand the effectiveness of the doctor’s and team’s engagement with patients but it has nothing to do with achieving your goals in and of itself.  It’s the number above that you must pay attention to in conjunction with your success rate of patients’ yeses.

Then you do have how much they said yes to and how much (and how fast) it all actually gets done.  We call that turning cash-flow, or if you wish production.

The big problem with focusing on production is you are focusing on a number that has already happened, instead of focusing on scheduled treatment.

This is all review for you.  Things I have covered in great detail before.  There’s the old adage that “champions don’t need to be told, they just need to be reminded.”  It is always important for me to bring back to the forefront of your mind what the real leverage points and catalysts are that you can control, manage and deliberately orchestrate in order to make growth happen and sustain consistent results.

Now, with all of that said, we come down to the reasons why patients don’t move forward.

Even the ones where it seems perfect and you have a dedicated patient in the back who has all but paid and scheduled, then later on you find out it didn’t happen, the patient left without scheduling or paying (and both should be happening).

Good news: It doesn’t have to be this way.

I’ve been working diligently on a very special, very in-depth, very advanced and provocative report that lays out how to get predictable outcomes with patients and provides you specific strategies to be more effective in getting and closing treatment.

The response for this report has been like a dog salivating as he waits for the bone in my hand to finally be released.  This makes me happy and well, piles on the pressure, but pressure is what makes champions, it’s what real pros thrive on; and yours truly is no different.  And believe me – I’m going to deliver.

Reserve Your Copy of This Special Report >>>

If you want me to throw you this bone I won’t make you bark or even run around in circles.  I will promise to stop teasing you.  In fact, it will be in your hands next week.  You will be able to take it and turn it into money, money, money because you will have more clarity and control about how to get your patients excited about, compelled to, and asking for the dentistry you are presenting.

And by the way, this is the critical piece of the reverse engineering we have been talking about for the past several weeks.  Because at the end of the day, it takes this piece to really pull it all together.

No matter how well you have designed your life.

No matter what your clinical philosophy is.

No matter how great and motivated your team has become.

And absolutely no matter how skilled or passionate you are.

It all comes down to scoring points with patients, securing treatment acceptance and closing real, comprehensive, life-changing, complete treatment plans.

This report will cover all that and more…

Reserve Your Copy of This Special Report >>>

…speaking of, I’m going to get to work on the final touches.  I’ll be back with more and pick up right where we left off to arm you with the power of this brand new report designed to solve all of your problems and drive valuable, profitable, fun dentistry into your practice and money into your bank account.