The Only Way To Measure Results

I know many Team Members can be timid about “money” and “selling.” But, you know what, they simply have to get over it. I’m going to be very blunt right now because anything else would be doing you a disservice.

Paychecks don’t fall out of the sky.
Money to keep the lights on is not buried in the parking lot.


Every single month, the livelihood of the Team Members in your practice, their families, and anyone else who benefits from you doing well – is supported by one thing and one thing only.

Patients’ investment in their health.

Or as I like to say, Patients “putting their money where their mouth is” quite literally in your case which is the coolest thing, really, if you think about it.

I mean who else gets to say that. What other business, probably none. So, embrace it for heaven sakes.

Anyways, so the first step to making more money in dentistry is to accept the responsibility that you have to do so… to make as much money as possible BECAUSE you are helping patients.

See, if I said it the other way around, not so good, sounds harsh and even a little inhumane. Help as many patients as possible BECAUSE you are making money.

Good news, because you are here I know your intentions, I know that you care, I know you are patient, health, quality centric and therefore you deserve to win and win big.

Your first big leverage point about making more money, the topic I promised to bring up, is to have every team member’s complete and committed buy-in to the idea that – that is what’s suppose to happen.

We are here to make patients healthy, to help people smile, to restore their mouth and give them a better life – and when we do those things – we do them for money.

Point blank. Plain and simple.

And the more money you make doing it, the more you can give away free dentistry to those people who deserve it and need it.

I promise you none, not one, of your patients are going to work for free and they can’t expect you too… so don’t.

Stop shooting yourselves in the feet, undermining your own positioning and conditioning your patients to be freeloaders and not respect the value dentistry should have in their lives.

If any team member has an issue with money, making it, charging it, helping maximize it, and so forth – then they need to have a real adult conversation about the realities of life. And if they can’t join the party, support the team, and believe in the cause – they have to take their charity somewhere else because they can’t set-up shop and destroy the integrity of your practice and your team members’ success.

Final point, because this is a big one for this week, remember people value what they pay for, they believe in what they invest in, they comply with what they commit to.

If there is any problem with patients and money in your practice, then I have good news and bad news…

Bad news: It’s not their problem, it’s yours.
Good news: It doesn’t have to stay that way…you can change it.

You can fix it for good. It begins with your mindset and the mindset of each and every team member. Clarity of your purpose and understanding of what success looks like and how you measure results… in Dollars.
