You want to know something very interesting? I received tons of amazing feedback from last week’s Report. And those who gave the best feedback, found the most value, decided to do something with it… of course, as you would expect… are those who are already peak performing doctors and practices.
It’s a pretty simple concept. If you want to know who is most successful (not by any-one standard or definition or dollar figure or size – but generally), just find those teams who exert the greatest amount of focus, time, energy, effort, and intentionality on getting better. The best always want to get better.
On the flip side, those who are struggling the most are the ones that have time on their hands to realize they are struggling, waste minutes complaining, excel at blaming others, constantly looking for easy buttons, and chasing the next bright shiny objects.
You get to pick which category you want to be in and you pick it with your attitude, with your behavior, with your actions, with your decisions. You can decide right now today, no prerequisite required.
In fact, this is exactly why I began writing specifically about THE POWER OF PRIVATE PRACTICE.
While no two practices are exactly the same, they are all so similar in potential, capability, and principles. Why then the discrepancy in results? It comes down to the answer of this question…
Are you embracing the power of private practice or are you avoiding, ignoring, squandering it?
This is why I’ve dedicated my career to becoming the Champion of Private Practice Doctors. It is why I wrote The Dental Practice Shift all those years ago.
It comes down to the dramatic difference between being ‘self-employed’ or being a ‘business owner.’
Most Private Practice Doctors are satisfied in being their own boss… simply employed by themselves. They have given up their power as they become owned by their practice instead of the other way around.
You, on the other hand, chose to be an owner of your practice and therefore an owner of your life and everything in it. You did not settle for just employment because you believe that the POWER of Private Practice is about something more.
Last week, I gave you a taste of one of your greatest Super Powers of Private Practice and that is your Process… of everything. In particular, the Patient Experience Process.
This leads us to the POWER OF PREFERENCE.
Why Preference? Well, it’s very obvious when you think about it… the more successful you are the more preference you will have about what it looks like, how you go about it, who will be included, and especially the why it matters.
Show me someone who isn’t very far along on their goals and I’ll show you someone who is indifferent to their circumstances.
Show me someone making progress on their future and I’ll show you someone who knows what they want, who they are, and why it matters to them.
The Power of Preference is one of the greatest assets you have as a Private Practice Owner. Your opinion not only counts it’s all that does.
From this you can create, design, and build your own model of practice operations.
In my upcoming Whiteboard Session, I’m going to take you through the key strategies to tap into The Power of Private Practice to unlock the next level of independence, autonomy, and freedom all while delivering greater results and impact. You bring your preferences and I’ll deliver the power…
Now, let’s talk a bit more about your Private Practice Power of Preference.
Ultimately you get your choice of the three things that equal the “profit” that we engineered in our first Whiteboard Session together earlier this year.
You can choose your patients. No one walks in the door without you opening it for them and letting them in.
Even better than choosing who walks in, you get to choose who walks out… and if you own what I wrote to you about in the Power of Process Report you will see that the patient that leaves is dramatically different and more valuable than the patient that originally entered. Same person, different patient.
Read that again because I just gave you the most powerful leverage factor in dentistry. You own this power and it comes from your decision, choice, preference of your patients and the process you take them through.
You also get to choose your procedures… the what not just the how.
Choosing what you do and what you don’t do. The focus of clinical mastery and looping this back to the patient preference part is where the magic synergy occurs and what leads you to clarity on process.
Now, related to you the math – not problem but opportunity – of private practice… all leverage comes from your preference on price. You get to set your own fees. You get to decide what your time, procedures, patients are worth based on your power of preference on price. Just like insurance is a choice, a $1,000 or $2,000 crown is a choice – a preference.
Next up, my favorite power of all is your preference on the when and the way you work. Your literal schedule which is essentially how you fit your practice into your life.
The more discipline there is with this, the more freedom and independence (and results) you buy yourself. Your schedule is the architecture you set up in order to practice on your own terms.
Figuring out each of these preferences give you the power necessary to create your own vision of what a private practice should be. This is the difference between being ‘employed as a doctor’ versus being ‘empowered as an owner’ – where the possibilities are unlimited.
If you are ready to unlock all of the POWER held in Private Practice, then join me my brand-new Whiteboard Session…