The Ultimate Secret To Dental Business Success REVEALED

The Secret…  I suppose there are many secrets in life, health, business, leadership.  Everything in life has not just one secret.  Anyone who tells you there is but one thing you have to do, think, believe is crazy.  As the saying suggests, if only it were that easy everyone would do it, have it, be it.

But of course, that’s not true either because most are complacent, small minded, lazy, satisfied with the status quo.  They prefer boring, lame, predictable to change, growth, ambition.  Predictable may great when we are talking about wealth and retirement income but not when we are talking about business, leading people, getting rich and doing dentistry on your own terms.

The secret I am going to give you today is multi-faceted, but it is the first step.  This is the initial domino that needs to fall.  The foundation for everything else you will ever do or achieve.

I hinted at it last week and now I will pull back the curtain and take you behind the scenes of the most successful, most sustainable, most profitable dental practices in all the world.

This secret is in addition to running their practice like a business, which is important and a philosophy that can’t be lived without.  That also means you have to have understanding of your practice as a business.

The secret to your success and truly having the practice of your dreams and your ideal set-up – the secret to achieving more wealth in a shorter period of time – the secret to transitioning or exiting on top of your game for maximum value – the secret to an amazing team, to the dentistry you are passionate about, to the schedule you want, to the income you deserve all comes down to these two words…



This is far more important than you will ever realize until you actually embrace and own this concept, this technique, this way of doing business, leading, growing, making money, practicing dentistry.

Now, I’m here to tell you (and I would know) no one does this.  At least most dentists never think about taking their practice vision and working backwards down to the tiniest detail.

Most…live in the practice they have always known.

Most…keeping going through the motions year after year.

Most…want things but don’t know how to actually make them happen.

Oh, don’t get me wrong, many dentists (you I hope), have goals, they have a vision, they have frustrations they would like to change and money they would like to make.

But, tt stops there.  Goals.  And.  Daily Routine.

No progress, no proactive adjustments, no decisions and changes that lead you towards this ideal future vision.  There is no reverse engineering.

I always explain it like this: when you want to build a house, you don’t go pick up a hammer you create a blueprint.  This is the architectural plan to follow to ensure that you end up with the vision you have.  This is reverse engineering.

I can do even better than that…

How about your patients and your treatment plans?  You begin with a vision of the end result, then you move backwards to know where to start and then you begin on the foundation.

Anyone can throw on some composite, cement the crowns but you have to ask yourself how is what I’m doing to this tooth going to impact all the others – how is the bite going to work – how is all of this going to look.

So many considerations.

Of course, way too many dentists are still practicing one tooth at a time, step by step dentistry without any vision or reverse engineering to their treatment plans.  Naturally, they are getting exactly what they are creating for themselves and their patients… not much.

Done right, this is no different.  Your business must be constructed based on the way you want it to be; what I call “the state of ideal.”  Anything short of that is your own fault – at least once you know, and now you do.

Here is the good news: reverse engineering isn’t just a fancy word or a made-up business term.  It is a specific process and formulaic approach that will allow you to truly customize and make your practice your own while keeping intact the integrity of sound business principles that will never fail you.

That’s right.  Never fail.

So whether you are looking at the horizon of a few years wanting to transition, bring in an associate and move to Sleep Dentistry, to work fewer hours in the practice you own, you want a few more million dollars before you can hang it up and go home, or you never want to quit.

Perhaps, you are just starting out or midstream in your career.  You probably don’t want to wait another couple decades to figure it out or to have a full-time income by profiting as a business owner working a part time schedule without stress or much effort at all.

To each their own and that’s just fine with me.  I don’t care what your goals are just that you have them and then you take the responsibility to actually deliberately reverse engineer them to success.

What I’m telling you is – you have to have a plan, or it’s never going to happen.  You are never going to get all you can and deserve from the investment (your career, team, patients, practice, business), you have made.

This is where I come in and the very special confidential report I promised last week.  Now that you know reverse engineering is the ultimate secret to giving you the practice business of your dreams – you now want to know the formula and exactly how to do that.

I’m going to detail out for you the step-by-step reverse engineering formula to fully and completely customize your practice business model in order to create the ideal lifestyle, schedule and dentistry that you want.

Right now, I want you to go to work reflecting, pondering, thinking through what that is so when you receive my special detailed report laying this out, you can dive in and take action.

If you haven’t reserved your copy, click below right now to get in line for it…

Reserve Your Copy of This Special Report >>>

More next week… on how to get started, stop accepting less than ideal in your practice (or your life for that matter) and cease being at the mercy of anyone else.