This week, here’s a thought: have every team member write down an idea that they would like to try to either a) improve the practice’s overall clinical efficiency or operations; b) improve patient experience and case acceptance; or c) attract more high quality patients or referrals.
Then one week at a time, pick one. Select one of your Team Members and embrace his/her idea.
Let that team member present the idea to everyone else.
Then collaborate on the action plan and how this idea will be divided up and supported amongst the team members.
Let this person, who initiated the idea, lead the group, provide all of the accountability and monitor follow through.
Before you break the session, identify how you will determine if it was a success. What will be the benchmarks and what actions are necessary to achieve them?
You will see so many amazing things happen from this no matter how big or small the idea is, no matter how big or small the impact can be. This activity will enlighten your team and it will show your confidence in them. After this, they will learn to take leadership, ownership and initiative.
It’s a very simple concept: if you want your people engaged in your mission and not just engaged in their paycheck then, you have to allow them to be involved. This also prevents people from falling into a cycle of routine or getting complacent.
Usually the reason people slack off or are not performing at their best on a daily basis is because of only a few possible things…
1. They are bored
2. They are distracted
3. They feel underutilized
4. They do not feel appreciated
And guess what, this activity will solve every one of these and you will see a fire burning in your team members. They will evolve their own abilities without you really having to do anything other than let them be more involved.
Now, you will have a tendency to either dismiss some of their ideas. You will not fully support a few of them because you see them as trivial or possibly not even viable.
I challenge you to not let this happen. Just agree right now to accept whatever ideas are shared. That each one is going to receive the same attention and effort as any other. At the very least, allow the idea to be put into the team discussion and let them figure it out; as the doctor just sit back and facilitate, be a team member not a dictator.
You will be amazed how this will bring your team together. It will result in people stepping up that you might feel they have no future roles in the practice all because they are not fully invested and focused but the entire time their lack of interests is resulting from one of the four items listed above, not because they don’t want to be.
Oh and by the way, in case you needed more convincing… Imagine this: your team will come up with things that have been on your to do list for years probably and you will now have multiple actions happening at once, systems being created and people taking the lead.
That’s a real business, an excited team and a dynamic growth plan when everyone is thinking, doing and following through. You’ll be digging down deep and getting the best out of the people you invest in and care about (and who invest in and care about you).